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Från Wikipedia

Rutinen för denna sida är om jag förstått det rätt att gå in och kolla om det finns borttagna bilder (märkta med *GONE*) och då ta bort bildreferensen i respektive artikel. Är det rätt uppfattat? Inga andra krusiduller? //Knuckles...wha? 19 juni 2006 kl.14.29 (CEST)

Jag skulle vilja se att fler användare bevakade sidan för att se om just någon bild som berör dem blivit raderad.
Om man därtill ser att någon bild man vet inte bör raderas blir märkt med en mall som implicerar att bilden bör raderas, lägger man förslagsvis fram argument för att behålla bilden. Det kanske t.o.m. är viktigare att vara vaksam på sådana mallar -- t.ex. mallen som påpekar att bilden saknar källa eller licens, då det i normalfallet kommer leda till att bilden raderas mellan 7-14 dagar senare-- än på raderade bilder.
/ Fred Chess 20 juni 2006 kl.11.38 (CEST)
Jag tror inte det är bra att ta bort inlägg från listan. Det bör tjäna som information till skribenter på artiklarna och eventuellt till den som laddat upp bilden.
Fred Chess 20 juni 2006 kl.11.45 (CEST)
Det var precis den informationen jag saknade. Är tanken att sidan inte ska editeras av någon förutom av boten? Växer inte sidan till oportionerlig storlek med tiden då? //Knuckles...wha? 20 juni 2006 kl.12.51 (CEST)
På tyska Wikipedia verkar botten själv radera äldre datum, kanske när sidan blir för lång? Jag kan tänka mig att man annars får radera äldre datum själv.... tror det är bättre än att radera separata meddelanden. / Fred Chess 20 juni 2006 kl.13.28 (CEST)
Ok, då låter vi det vara så ser vi om det sker här också.. Jag håller förresten på att översätta teckenförklaringen från tyska sidan, smäller upp den när den är klar.. //Knuckles...wha? 20 juni 2006 kl.13.58 (CEST)

CommonsTicker: new version to fix some problems[redigera wikitext]

e replication lag we currently see on the toolserver (it's more than a day behind). While I hope this will not happen again in the future, I have been working on improving CommonsTicker so it handles out-of-sync entries gracefully.

I plan to activate a new version of CommonsTicker tonight or tomorrow - so look out for any new problems. Here are the most relevant changes:

  • fix handling of out-of-sync records (see above); added "latecomer" parameter to TickerEntry template (may be ignored)

id=377144 like this]. ikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User%3ADuesentrieb%2FCommonsTicker&diff=377180&oldid=377144 here] for an example that strikes out the entry if status is set to "done".

For the future, I'm planning to let CommonsTicker post warnings to the talk page of articles that use an image das is (about to be) deleted. I'll post another announcement when that feature is ready.

This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 20 juni 2006 kl.16.17 (CEST)

CommonsTicker: new version to fix some problems[redigera wikitext]

Hello - sorry, the privious message was a bit broken. Below is a full repost. Sorry again -- CommonsTicker 20 juni 2006 kl.16.50 (CEST)

Hi - you may have noticed some problems with CommonsTicker lately - namely, some entries about deletions went missing, and some entries arrived several days late (messing up the date headings for ticker pages using append mode). This is caused by the massive replication lag we currently see on the toolserver (it's more than a day behind). While I hope this will not happen again in the future, I have been working on improving CommonsTicker so it handles out-of-sync entries gracefully.

I plan to activate a new version of CommonsTicker tonight or tomorrow - so look out for any new problems. Here are the most relevant changes:

  • fix handling of out-of-sync records (see above); added "latecomer" parameter to TickerEntry template (may be ignored)
  • deleted images can be restored now. To reflect this, I have added a "restored" action to CommonsTicker. To use it, you need to change your templates and/or CSS like this.
  • for pages in append-mode, there an empty "status" parameter is now handed to the TickerEntry template - this parameter can be set manually to trigger some type of marking or highliting, depending on how you set up your template and CSS. See here for an example that strikes out the entry if status is set to "done".

For the future, I'm planning to let CommonsTicker post warnings to the talk page of articles that use an image das is (about to be) deleted. I'll post another announcement when that feature is ready.

This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 20 juni 2006 kl.16.50 (CEST)

Ungefärlig radering-period[redigera wikitext]

Jag tycker att sju dagar är lagom. Då är sidan cirka 100 kb lång och alltså någorlunda hanterbar. Så efter det kan man radera äldre datum. Om nu inte någon tycker annorlunda?

Fred Chess 10 juli 2006 kl.00.18 (CEST)

Jag ser nu, på CommonsTicker meta sida, att man kan konfigurera CommonsTicker att automatiskt skriva över äldre datum. Thuresson, vad tror du om att sätta tiden till sju dagar? / Fred Chess 10 juli 2006 kl.00.33 (CEST)

CommonsTicker: new version, new features[redigera wikitext]

Hello. A new version of CommonsTicker will be rolled out soon (probably tomorrow). Please have an eye on what the bot is doing, and report any problems to m:User_talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker. Some of the changes are:

  • the ticker can now post warnings to the talk page of articles that are using "endangered" images. This is not enabled per default, and you can select for which namespaces it is done. If you want this feature, please request it at m:User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker#Change_Requests.
  • in append mode, there are now three empty template parameters: status, editor, and notic. The ticker does not use them itself, but you can use them in the TickerEntry template, for example to strike through entries that have been fixed. en:wikinews has already been using this for a while now.
  • if the ticker fails to post an update, a warning is posted to your and the ticker's talk page. In append mode, the ticker will also re-try to post the update on the next pass. Until now, failed updates where simply ignored.
  • edit summaries become a bit more informative.

I hope these changes will help to make CommonsTicker more used and more useful.

On a related note: you may have noticed that on long pages, entries near the bottom of the page are sometimes not expanded but rendered just as {{TickerEntry}} or similar. This is due to a new limit to template expansion - see bugzilla:7005. To avoid it, try to keep the page short and/or try to simplify the TickerEntry template.

This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 21 augusti 2006 kl. 01.19 (CEST)[svara]

Bilder som kan laddas upp lokalt[redigera wikitext]

Har vi nån procedur för bilder som har raderats från Commons men bör laddas upp lokalt (dvs. {{logo}}, {{emblem}})? Har vi någon speciell "kontaktperson" på Commons för dessa ärenden. /Lokal_Profil 5 november 2006 kl. 20.36 (CET)[svara]

Hittade nu sidan Commons:Undeletion requests där man kan be om Temporary undeletion för bilder som inte tillåts på Commons men på sv.wikipedia. Det skulle vara nyttigt med en sida här på sv.wiki som utryckligen säger att både emblem och logotyper är tillåtna. /Lokal_Profil 6 november 2006 kl. 21.54 (CET)[svara]

CommonsTicker failed to post update: sv-wikipedia-org.ticker.wiki.20061229014337.pending[redigera wikitext]

CommonsTicker was unable to post the latest update to the ticker page. This may happen if there is a temporary problem with the servers or the network, or if the page has grown verry big.

If you use "append" mode, please keep the page reasonably short, perhaps by moving old entries that still need attention to a separate page, which could be included in the main ticker page. Note that CommonsTicker will re-try to post the update on the next run.

If you use "replace" mode, please consider requesting a shorter interval (less days) to watch. CommonsTicker will not try to re-post the update, since it will replace the entire page on the next run anyway.

(this is an automated message) -- CommonsTicker 29 december 2006 kl. 02.44 (CET)[svara]

CommonsTicker failed to post update: sv-wikipedia-org.ticker.wiki.20061229025058.pending[redigera wikitext]

CommonsTicker was unable to post the latest update to the ticker page. This may happen if there is a temporary problem with the servers or the network, or if the page has grown verry big.

If you use "append" mode, please keep the page reasonably short, perhaps by moving old entries that still need attention to a separate page, which could be included in the main ticker page. Note that CommonsTicker will re-try to post the update on the next run.

If you use "replace" mode, please consider requesting a shorter interval (less days) to watch. CommonsTicker will not try to re-post the update, since it will replace the entire page on the next run anyway.

(this is an automated message) -- CommonsTicker 29 december 2006 kl. 03.51 (CET)[svara]

CommonsTicker failed to post update: sv-wikipedia-org.ticker.wiki.20061229065537.pending[redigera wikitext]

CommonsTicker was unable to post the latest update to the ticker page. This may happen if there is a temporary problem with the servers or the network, or if the page has grown verry big.

If you use "append" mode, please keep the page reasonably short, perhaps by moving old entries that still need attention to a separate page, which could be included in the main ticker page. Note that CommonsTicker will re-try to post the update on the next run.

If you use "replace" mode, please consider requesting a shorter interval (less days) to watch. CommonsTicker will not try to re-post the update, since it will replace the entire page on the next run anyway.

(this is an automated message) -- CommonsTicker 29 december 2006 kl. 07.57 (CET)[svara]

CommonsTicker: Ticker Trouble[redigera wikitext]


As you may have noticed, there have been some problems with CommonsTicker lately:

  • first, the toolserver was down. After it was back up, we had to wait for fresh database dumps.
  • also, many updates where failing because ticker pages where growing too large. Updates that went through half-way somtimes also caused entries to be posted multiple times, making the problem worse.
  • when I tried to improve performance, I introduced a bug that caused the ticker to post trash sometimes. I disabled the ticker again when I was told about it, and I have fixed all effected pages yesterday (I hope I didn't miss any).

To sort this out completely, I have to rewrite parts of CommonsTicker. For now, I will enable the ticker again for most wikis, but not for the ones that where having most trouble - namely de-wikipedia, en-wikinews, eo-wikipedia, es-wikipedia, fr-wikipedia, ja-wikipedia, ru-wikipedia, simple-wikipedia and zh-wikipedia. I'll have to investigate those more closely.

So please keep an eye on CommonsTicker in the next days - if there is any more trouble, please tell me, preferrably on meta:User_talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker.

Regards -- meta:User:Duesentrieb 5 januari 2007 kl. 14.37 (CET)[svara]

This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 5 januari 2007 kl. 14.37 (CET)[svara]

CommonsTicker: CommonsTicker, The Next Generation[redigera wikitext]

I am currently testing a new version of CommonsTicker (dubbed CommonsTicker NG) on the german Wikipedia - problems with ticker pages growing too large made a partial rewrite necessary. Most changes are "under the hood", the larges change for users is in the way the ticker page is structured and updated:

CommonsTicker will now create a subpage for each day, and include this as a template on the ticker page. New entries for a given day are added to the respective subpage without modifying existing entries on that subpage. Old subpages (sections) are removed automatically from the main ticker page - per default, 7 sections are kept (days for which there are no entries are not counted). Please check that your ticker page has both start- and end-markers for the region where CommonsTicker should post (see m:User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker#Ticker_Page); everything between the markers will be replaced. If the markers are missing, the entire page is replaced.

When I have finished testing CommonsTicker NG, I will activate the new version on the wikis where CommonsTicker is currently disabled due to problems with page size (the large projects I mentioned in the last announcement). When all goes well, I will start to switch other wikis to NG one by one, as seems convenient. If you want the new version soon, or you don't want it yet for some reason, please tell me about it on m:User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker#Change_Requests.

This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 6 februari 2007 kl. 15.44 (CET)[svara]