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Wikipedia:Projekt DotNetWikiBot Framework/Lavallen2/Samlar info ur raderade versioner

Från Wikipedia
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.Threading;
using DotNetWikiBot;

class MyBot : Bot

	public static void Main()
		string[] wikipedior = {"da", "de", "en",  "fi", "fr", "no", "nn"};//list of all wikipedia-projects that I am collecting deleted iwlinks to, it is <u>not</u> a list of approved projects
		string[] namnrymd = {"Diskussion:", "Användare:", "Användardiskussion:", "Wikipedia:", "Wikipediadiskussion:", "MediaWiki:", "MediaWikidiskussion:", "Mall:", "Malldiskussion:", "Kategoridiskussion:", "Portal:", "Portaldiskussion:"};
		Site site = new Site("http://sv.wikipedia.org", username, password);
		string cap = site.GetPageHTM("http://sv.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Logg&limit=500&type=delete&month=&year=");//Getting logg-page
		int cursor = 0;
		while(cap.IndexOf("<li class=\"mw-logline-delete\">") != -1)//One line for every log action
			cap = cap.Substring(cap.IndexOf("<li class=\"mw-logline-delete\">")+1);
			cursor = cap.IndexOf("<li class=\"mw-logline-delete\">", cursor)+1;
			string cap2 = cap.Substring(0,cap.IndexOf("title=\"Special:Återställ\">visa/återställ</a>")+7);
			cap2 = cap2.Substring(cap2.LastIndexOf("<a href=\"")+9);
			cap2 = cap2.Substring(0,cap2.LastIndexOf("\" title"));
			cap2 = "http://sv.wikipedia.org"+cap2;
			cap2 = cap2.Replace("&", "&");
			string cap3 = site.GetPageHTM(cap2);//Get the restore-page for a single page
			cap3 = cap3.Substring(cap3.IndexOf("Härunder visas en lista över raderade versioner av"));
			string titel = cap3.Substring(0,cap3.IndexOf("</a>"));
			if(titel.IndexOf("[inte skriven än]\">") != -1)//Do not act if not the whole page is deleted
				titel = titel.Substring(titel.IndexOf("[inte skriven än]\">")+19);//The title of the swedish page is identified
				bool rymd = true;
				foreach(string n in namnrymd)
						rymd = false;

					cap3 = cap3.Substring(cap3.IndexOf("</h2>"));
					cap3 = cap3.Substring(0,cap3.IndexOf("</a> . . <a href"));
					cap3 = cap3.Substring(cap3.LastIndexOf("<a href=\"")+9);
					cap3 = cap3.Substring(0,cap3.IndexOf("\" title="));
					cap3 = cap3.Replace("&", "&");
					string länkar = File.ReadAllText("länkar.txt");
					File.WriteAllText("junk0.txt", cap3);
					if(länkar.IndexOf(cap3) == -1)//Avoid handle the same pageversion twice
						länkar = länkar+cap3+"\r\n";
						File.WriteAllText("länkar.txt", länkar);
						cap3 = "http://sv.wikipedia.org"+cap3;
						string cap4 = site.GetPageHTM(cap3);
						cap4 = cap4.Substring(cap4.IndexOf("<textarea readonly="));
						cap4 = cap4.Substring(cap4.IndexOf(">")+1);
						cap4 = cap4.Substring(0,cap4.IndexOf("</textarea>"));//The content of the deleted page
						foreach(string projekt in wikipedior)//One saved file for each project
							string filnamn = "Link_"+projekt+".txt";
							string link = File.ReadAllText(filnamn);
							string iw = "[["+projekt+":";//identify iw-links
							if(cap4.IndexOf(iw) != -1)
								if(iw.Trim() != "")
									link += "|"+iw+"\r\n[[sv:"+titel+"]]\r\n";
									File.WriteAllText(filnamn, link);