Wikipedia:Projekt DotNetWikiBot Framework/Innocent bot/Franska kommuner
using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml; using System.Web; using System.Threading; using DotNetWikiBot; class MyBot : Bot { public static List<string> OwnFillFromLinksToPage(Site site, string pageTitle) { List<string> r = new List<string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle)) throw new ArgumentNullException("pageTitle"); //RemoveAll(); string res = + site.indexPath + "index.php?title=Special:Whatlinkshere/" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pageTitle) + "&limit=5000&hidelinks=1&namespace=0"; do { string src = site.GetPageHTM(res); if(src.IndexOf(">nästa 5 000<") != -1) { int s = src.IndexOf(">nästa 5 000<"); s = src.LastIndexOf("<a href=\"", s)+9; int s1 = src.IndexOf("\" title=", s)-s; res = + src.Substring(s, s1); res = res.Replace("&", "&"); } else res = ""; Console.WriteLine(res); MatchCollection matches = Site.linkToPageRE1.Matches(src); foreach (Match match in matches) r.Add(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups[1].Value)); }while(res != ""); //RemoveRedirects(); Console.WriteLine( Bot.Msg("PageList filled with titles of pages, referring to \"{0}\" page."), pageTitle); return r; } public static void Main() { Site site = new Site("", "Innocent bot", "********"); Site site2 = new Site("", "Innocent bot", "********"); List<string> sidor = new List<string>(); List<string> mallade = new List<string>(); sidor = OwnFillFromLinksToPage(site, "Mall:Kommunfakta Frankrike"); mallade = OwnFillFromLinksToPage(site, "Mall:Franska kommunkartor"); Console.WriteLine(sidor.Count); Console.WriteLine(mallade.Count); sidor.Sort(); foreach(string kommun in sidor) { if(!mallade.Contains(kommun)) { Page p = new Page(site, kommun); p.Load(); string insee = p.GetTemplateParameter("Kommunfakta Frankrike", "insee")[0]; string fil = "File:Map commune FR insee code "+insee+".png"; Page pc = new Page(site2, fil); pc.Load(); if(pc.Exists()) { string[] mallar; mallar = p.GetTemplatesWithParams(); foreach(string mall in mallar) { if(mall.StartsWith("Kommunfakta Frankrike")) { int s = p.text.IndexOf(mall)+mall.Length; s = p.text.IndexOf("}}", s)+2; p.text = p.text.Substring(0,s)+"\n{{Franska kommunkartor|"+insee+"}}"+p.text.Substring(s); p.Save(p.text, "Lägger in fransk kommunkarta", true); Bot.Wait(10000); break; } } } } } } }