Wikipedia:Projekt DotNetWikiBot Framework/GameOnBot/SaknarLänkarMellanSrcOchWp
// Write your own bot scripts and functions in this file. // Run "Compile & Run.bat" file - it will compile this file as executable and launch it. // Compiled XML autodocumentation for DotNetWikiBot namespace is available as "Documentation.chm". using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using DotNetWikiBot; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; class MyBot : Bot { public static void Main() { CompareInfo Compare = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo; Site site = new Site("", user, password); Site site2 = new Site("", user, password); Page myPage2; PageList pl = new PageList(site2); pl.FillFromCategoryTree("Kategori:Författare"); string tmpStr = ""; string tmpStr2 = ""; string pageTitle = ""; int start = 0; int end = 0; int i = 0; int antal = 0; int type = -1; foreach (Page myPage in pl) { type = -1; myPage.Load(); tmpStr = myPage.text; pageTitle = myPage.title.Remove(0, 11); start = Compare.IndexOf(tmpStr, "{{wikipedialänk", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase); if(start != -1) type = 0; if(start == -1) { start = Compare.IndexOf(tmpStr, "{{wikipedia", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase); if(start != -1) type = 1; } if(start == -1) { start = Compare.IndexOf(tmpStr, "[[w:", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase); if(start != -1) type = 2; } if(type == -1) { System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("saknarwp.txt", true); file.WriteLine(myPage.title); file.Close(); } else { if(type == 2) { string tmpStr3 = myPage.text; string tmpStr4 = ""; string linkStr = ""; int start3 = 0; int end3 = 0; start3 = tmpStr3.LastIndexOf("\n", start); end3 = tmpStr3.IndexOf("\n", start); linkStr = tmpStr3.Substring(start, end3 - start); //linkStr contains from "[[w:" to "]]" if(linkStr.Contains("|")) linkStr = linkStr.Substring(4, linkStr.IndexOf("|") - 4); else linkStr = linkStr.Substring(4, linkStr.IndexOf("]]") - 4); if(start3 >= 0) tmpStr4 = tmpStr3.Substring(0, start3); else tmpStr4 = tmpStr3; tmpStr4 += "\r\n{{wikipedialänk"; if(linkStr != pageTitle) tmpStr4 += linkStr; tmpStr4 += "}}"; tmpStr4 += tmpStr3.Substring(end3); tmpStr3 = tmpStr4; tmpStr = tmpStr3; myPage.Save(tmpStr, "Lägger in/ändrar länk till wikipedia", true); Thread.Sleep(7000); tmpStr = linkStr; } else { for(i = start; i < tmpStr.Length; i++) { if(tmpStr[i] == '{') antal++; if(tmpStr[i] == '}') antal--; if(antal == 0 && i != start) { end = i; break; } } tmpStr = tmpStr.Remove(0, start + 2); tmpStr = tmpStr.Remove(tmpStr.IndexOf("}")); if(type == 0) tmpStr = tmpStr.Remove(0, 13); else tmpStr = tmpStr.Remove(0, 9); if(tmpStr.Contains("|")) tmpStr = tmpStr.Remove(0, tmpStr.IndexOf("|") + 1); if(tmpStr == pageTitle) { //Change the ws page, remove |pagetitle in template call? } if(tmpStr.Length == 0) { tmpStr = pageTitle; } } //load page on wp type = -1; myPage2 = new Page(site, tmpStr); myPage2.Load(); tmpStr2 = myPage2.text; start = Compare.IndexOf(tmpStr2, "{{wikisource", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase); if(start != -1) type = 0; if(type == -1) { Console.WriteLine("saknarws:" + tmpStr); tmpStr2 = tmpStr2.Replace("== Externa länkar ==", "== Externa länkar ==\r\n* {{wikisource författare}}"); tmpStr2 = tmpStr2.Replace("==Externa länkar==", "== Externa länkar ==\r\n* {{wikisource författare}}"); start = Compare.IndexOf(tmpStr2, "== Externa länkar ==", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase); if(start == -1) { System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("saknarws.txt", true); file.WriteLine(myPage.title); file.Close(); } else myPage2.Save(tmpStr2, "Lägger in länk till wikisource", true); } Thread.Sleep(7000); } } } } }