Wikipedia:Projekt DotNetWikiBot Framework/GameOnBot/Interwikiutkast
using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using System.Threading; using DotNetWikiBot; class MyBot : Bot { public static string[] RemoveDuplicates(string[] myList) { System.Collections.ArrayList newList = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); foreach (string str in myList) if (!newList.Contains(str)) newList.Add(str); return (string[])newList.ToArray(typeof(string)); } public static void Main() { string user = ""; string pass = ""; string orgLI; string orgSV; bool changed; Site siteSV; Site siteLI; // Site siteEN; siteSV = new Site("", user, pass); // siteLI = new Site("", user, pass); siteLI = new Site("", user, pass); Page myPageLI = new Page(siteLI); // Page myPageEN = new Page(siteEN); /* string tmpStr; string tmpStr2; */ PageList plSV = new PageList(siteSV); // plSV.FillFromRecentChanges(false, false, false, false, true, 1000, 7); // plSV.FilterNamespaces(new int[] {14}); //plSV.FillFromCustomSpecialPage("Kategorier", 500); //plSV.FillAllFromCategory("Topp"); plSV.FillAllFromCategoryTree("Teman"); plSV.RemoveRecurring(); foreach(Page myPageSV in plSV) { if(myPageSV.title == "Kategori:Ordspråk") continue; changed = false; myPageSV.Load(); string[] iwLinksSV = myPageSV.GetInterWikiLinks(); foreach(string iwStr in iwLinksSV) { if(iwStr.StartsWith("en:")) { myPageLI.title = iwStr.Substring(3); myPageLI.Load(); orgLI = myPageLI.text; orgSV = myPageSV.text; string[] iwLinksLI = myPageLI.GetInterWikiLinks(); if(iwLinksLI.Length == 0) { int i2 = 0; Array.Resize<string>(ref iwLinksLI, iwLinksSV.Length); for(int i = 0; i < iwLinksSV.Length; i++) { if(!iwLinksSV[i].StartsWith("en:")) iwLinksLI[i2++] = iwLinksSV[i]; } iwLinksLI[i2] = "sv:" + myPageSV.title; myPageLI.AddInterWikiLinks(iwLinksLI); changed = true; } else { //merge the lists string[] iwLinks = new string[iwLinksLI.Length + iwLinksSV.Length]; iwLinksLI.CopyTo(iwLinks, 0); iwLinksSV.CopyTo(iwLinks, iwLinksLI.Length); //Add link to sv iwLinks[iwLinks.Length - 1] = "sv:" + myPageSV.title; //Remove duplicates iwLinks = RemoveDuplicates(iwLinks); //Remove own language version string[] newIWSV = new string[iwLinks.Length - 1]; string[] newIWLI = new string[iwLinks.Length - 1]; int i2 = 0; int i3 = 0; for(int i = 0; i < iwLinks.Length; i++) { if(!iwLinks[i].StartsWith("sv:") && !iwLinks[i].StartsWith("simple:")) newIWSV[i2++] = iwLinks[i]; if(!iwLinks[i].StartsWith("en:") && !iwLinks[i].StartsWith("simple:")) newIWLI[i3++] = iwLinks[i]; } myPageSV.RemoveInterWikiLinks(); myPageLI.RemoveInterWikiLinks(); myPageSV.AddInterWikiLinks(newIWSV); myPageLI.AddInterWikiLinks(newIWLI); myPageLI.SortInterWikiLinks(); myPageSV.SortInterWikiLinks(); if(myPageLI.text != orgLI || myPageSV.text != orgSV) changed = true; if(changed) { myPageLI.Save(myPageLI.text, "Changing interwikinks", true); myPageSV.Save(myPageSV.text, "Ändrar interwikilänkar", true); } } } } if(changed) Thread.Sleep(60000); } } }