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Verrallina yerburyi

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Verrallina yerburyi
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ArtVerrallina yerburyi
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§ Verrallina yerburyi
Auktor(Edwards, 1917)
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Verrallina yerburyi[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70] är en tvåvingeart som först beskrevs av Edwards 1917. Verrallina yerburyi ingår i släktet Verrallina, och familjen stickmyggor.[71][72]

Artens utbredningsområde är Sri Lanka.[71] Inga underarter finns listade.[71]

Källor[redigera | redigera wikitext]

  1. ^ Meijere, J. C. H. de (1908) , Studien uber sudostasiatische Dipteren. III. Tijdschr. Ent. 51: 191-332, pls. 7-8. [1908.12.31]
  2. ^ Muller, Julius (1872) , Terminologia entomologica.Ein Handbuch sowohl fur den angehenden Entomologen als auch fur denFachmann; nach dem neuesten Standpunkte dieser Wissenschaft. [2ndEd.] C. Winiker, Brunn. 306 pp. + [2] + 32 pls.[1872.??.??]
  3. ^ Nartshuk, E. P. (1983) , A system of the superfamily Chloropoidea (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha). Ent. Obozr. 62: 638-648. [1983.??.??] [In Russian]
  4. ^ Needham, J. G. (1908) , Appendix C. Report of the entomological field station conducted at Old Forge, N. Y., in the summer of 1905. Pp. 156-248, pls. 4-32. In Felt, E. P., 23d report of the State Entomologist on injurious and other insects of the State of New York, 1907. Bull. N.Y. St. Mus. 124: 5-541, 44 pls. [1908.10.15]
  5. ^ Neuhaus, G. H. (1886) , Diptera Marchica. Systematisches Verzeichniss der Zweiflugler (Mucken und Fliegen) der Mark Brandenburg. Mit kurzer Beschreibung und analytischen Bestimmungs-Tabellen. Nicolai, Berlin. [ii] + xvi + 371 pp., 6 pls. [before 1886.07.06 date received BMNH]
  6. ^ Targioni-Tozzetti, Adolfo (1870) , Rivista entomologica. Boll. Soc. Ent. Ital. 2: 83-99.[1870.??.??]
  7. ^ Tavares, J. S. (1916) , Cecidomyias novas do Brazil.Broteria (Zool.) 14: 36-57. [1916.??.??]
  8. ^ Kieffer, J. J. (1895) , [Une note preliminaire sur le genre Campylomyza (Dipt.)] Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1894, 63 (Bull): clxxv-clxxvi. [1895.05.30]
  9. ^ Krivosheina, N. P. (1990) , The significance of the larval signs for the system of Diptera. Abstr. 2nd Int. Congr. Dipt. 1990: 125. [1990.08.27]
  10. ^ Latreille, P.A. (1819) , Tipulaires. Pp. 116-122. In Societe de Naturalistes et d'Agriculteurs, Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle ...Tome 34, THE-TSU. Deterville, Paris. 578 pp. [1819.12.11]
  11. ^ Linnaeus, C. (1740) , Systema naturae ... Ed. 2. G. Kiesewetter, Stockholmiae 80 pp. [after 1740.05.20, dedication date]
  12. ^ Loew, H. (1860) , Die Dipteren-Fauna Sudafrika's. Erste Abtheilung.. xi + 330 pp. G. Bosselmann, Berlin [1860.??.??]
  13. ^ Loew, H. (1873) , Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insecten. Von Johann Wilhelm Meigen. Zehnter Theil oder vierter Supplementband. Beschreibung europaischer Dipteren. Dritter Band. H.W. Schmidt, Halle. viii + 320 pp. [1873.09.16]
  14. ^ Lopes, H. de S. & Albuquerque, D. de O. (1982) , Notes on Neotropical Calliphoridae (Diptera). Rev. Bras. Biol. 42: 63-69. [1982.06.30]
  15. ^ Macquart, P. J. M. (1847) , Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. 2.e supplement. Roret, Paris. 104 pp, 6 pls. [before 1847.05.26]
  16. ^ Paramonov, S. J. (1934) , Ueber einige exotische (hauptsachlich sudamerikanische) Bombyliidae (Dipteren). Konowia 13: 22-34. [1934.03.15]
  17. ^ Paramonov, S. J. (1940) , [Fam. Bombyliidae, Subfam. Bombyliinae.] Fauna SSSR, Ins., Dipt. 9(2), ix + 414 pp.[1940.09.30] [In Russian and German]
  18. ^ Paramonov, S. J. (1957) , Notes on Australian Diptera (XXI). Mindidae -- a new family of Acalyptrata (Diptera). Ann.Mag. Nat. Hist. (12) 9: 779-783. [1957.01.28]
  19. ^ Paramonov, S.J. (1958) , A review of Australian Pyrgotidae (Diptera). Aust. J. Zool.6: 89-137. [1958.05.??]
  20. ^ Paramonov, S. J. (1966) , Notes on Australian Diptera (XLI-XLIII). Notes on three genera of Australian Asilidae, with the descriptions of seven new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (13) 9: 137-144. [1966.09.01]
  21. ^ Parker, RalphRobinson (1914) , Sarcophagidae of New England: Males of the genera Ravinia and Boettcheria. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 35: 1-77, 8 pls. [1914.??.??]
  22. ^ Thompson, F. C. (1981) , The flower flies of the West Indies (Diptera: Syrphidae). Mem. Ent. Soc. Wash.9, 200 pp. [1981.09.02]
  23. ^ Vaillant, F. (1982) , Les tribus de la sous-famille des Psychodidae Psychodinae (Diptera). Nouv. Revue Ent. 12: 189-194. [1982.06.15]
  24. ^ Walker, F. (1835-37) , Notes on Diptera. Ent. Mag. (1836) 3: 178-182 [1835.07.??]; 4: 113-117 [1836.10.??]; 4: 226-230 [1837.01.??].
  25. ^ Walker, F. (1853) , Insecta Britannica, Diptera. Volume 2. Reeve & Benham, London. vi + 298 pp., pls. 11-20. [1853.12.??]
  26. ^ Weidner, H. (1969) , Die entomologischen Sammlungen des Zoologischen Staatsinstituts und Zoologischen Museums Hamburg (XII.Teil). Insecta IX. Mitt. Hamburg. Zool. Mus. Inst. 66: 227-236. [1969.10.??]
  27. ^ Wesenberg-Lund,C. (1943) , Biologie der Susswasserinsekten. Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag, Kopenhagen, 682 pp., 13 pls. [1943.??.??]
  28. ^ Wiedemann, C. R. W. (1828) , Aussereuropaische zweiflugelige Insekten. Erster Theil. Schulz, Hamm. xxxii + 608pp., 7 pls. [1828.??.??]
  29. ^ Wiedemann, C. R. W. (1830) , Aussereuropaische zweiflugelige Insekten. Zweiter Theil. Schulz, Hamm. xii + 684 pp., 5 pls. [1830.09.22]
  30. ^ Wiegmann, B. M. (1994) , The origin of Diptera: Molecular evidence on phylogeny of the panorpoid orders. Abstr. 3rd Int. Congr. Dipt. 1994: 245-246. [1994.08.14]
  31. ^ Winnertz, J. (1846) , Beschreibung einiger neuen Gattungen aus der Ordnung der Zweiflugler. Stettin. Ent. Ztg. 7: 11-20. [1846.01.01]
  32. ^ Wood, D. M. (1981) , Pachyneuridae. Manual Nearctic Dipt. 1: 213-216. [1981.03.16]
  33. ^ Becker, T. (1908) , Dipteren der Kanarischen Inseln. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl. 4: 1-180, 4 pls. [1908.07.??]
  34. ^ Wang, X. H. & Saether, O. A. (1998) , Qiniella, a new orthoclad genus from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Hydrobiol. 362: 103-106. [1998.??.??]
  35. ^ Pamplona, D. (1999) , Nova caracterizacao de Cyrtoneurina Giglio-Tos, 1893 e descricao de Paracyrtoneurina gen. nov. (Diptera, Muscidae). Revta Brasil. Ent. 43: 9-24. [1999.10.31]
  36. ^ Banks, J. (1791) , On the Musca pumilionis. Ann. Agric. 16: 176-177, 1 pl.
  37. ^ Bigot, J. M. F. (1887) , [Diagnoses abregees de quelques Dipteres nouveaux, provenant de l'Amerique du nord, dont les descriptions detaillees seront publiees ulterieurement, et qui tous appartiennent a sa collection]. Bull. Bimens. Soc. ent. Fr. 1887 (21): clxxii-clxxiv. [1887.11.19]
  38. ^ Fabricius, O. (1780) , Favna Groenlandica ... xvi + 452 pp., 1 plate. Ioannis Gottlob Rothe, Hafniae et Lipsiae [=Copenhagen & Leipzig]. [before 1780.08.13]
  39. ^ Frisch, J. L. (1732) , Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land... Volume 10. [7 + ] 25 [+ 5] pp., 21 pls. Nicolai, Berlin. [1732.??.??]
  40. ^ Gaedike, R. & Smetana, O. (1978) , Erganzungen und Berichtigungen zu Walter Horn und Sigmund Schenkling: Index Litteraturae Entomologicae, Serie I, die Welt-Literatur uber die gesamte Entomologie bis inklusive 1863. Teil I: A-K. Beitr. Ent., Berlin 28: 329-436.
  41. ^ Harris, T. W. (1869) , Descriptions of insects selected from the manuscripts of Dr. Harris. Pp. 325-336. In Scudder, S. H. (ed.), Entomological correspondence of Thaddeus William Harris, M.D. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Occas. Pprs 1: 1-375, 4 pls.
  42. ^ Johnson, C. W. (1925) , Diptera of the Harris collection. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. 38: 57-99. [1925.11.??]
  43. ^ Johnston, T. H. & Bancroft, M. J. (1920) , Notes on the biology of some Queensland flies. Mem. Queensl. Mus. 7: 31-43. [1920.06.30]
  44. ^ Karsch, F. A. (1886-1887) , Dipteren von Pungo-Andongo, gesammelt von Herrn Major Alexander von Homeyer. Ent. Nachr. 12: 49-58 [1886.02.??], 257-264 [1886.09.??], 337-342 [1886.11.??]; 13: 4-10 [1887.01.??].
  45. ^ Lundbeck, W. (1916) , Diptera Danica. Genera and species of flies hitherto found in Denmark. Part V. Lonchopteridae, Syrphidae. 603 pp., G. E. C. Gad, Copenhagen. [1916.07.01]
  46. ^ Magpayo, F. R., Shinonaga, S. & Kano, R. (1987) , Studies on the calypterate muscoid flies in Philippines. 1. Report on species belonging to the genus Musca Linnaeus (Diptera, Muscidae). Jap. J. sanit. Zool. 38: 257-269. [1987.12.15]
  47. ^ Panzer, G. W. F. (1798) , Favnae insectorvm germanicae initia oder Deutschlands Insecten. H. 60, 24 pp., 24 pls. Felsecker, Nurnberg. [after 1798.05.01]
  48. ^ Patton, W. S. (1922) , Notes on the species of the genus Musca Linnaeus - Part I. Bull. ent. Res. 12: 411-426. [1922.03.??]
  49. ^ Patton, W. S. (1923) , Some Philippine species of the genus Musca Linnaeus. Philipp. J. Sci. 23: 309-322. [1923.10.??]
  50. ^ Patton, W. S. (1932) , Studies on the higher Diptera of medical and veterinary importance. A revision of the species of the genus Musca based on a comparative study of the male terminalia. I. The natural grouping of the species and their relationship to each other. Ann. Trop. Med.�Parasit. 26: 347-405. [1932.10.29]
  51. ^ Patton, W. S. & MacGill, E. (1925) , Comparative studies of the antennae of some of the higher Diptera. Indian J. med. Res. 13: 275-285, pls 7-13. [1925.10.??]
  52. ^ Reigert, J. F. (1855) , A treatise on the cause of cholera. An interesting discovery. 15 pp. E. J. Pinkerton, [Philadelphia?].
  53. ^ Schiner, I. R. (1857) , Diptera Austriaca. Aufzahlung aller im Kaiserthume Oesterreich bisher aufgefundenen Zweiflugler. III. Die osterreichischen Syrphiden. Verhandl. K.-k. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 7: 279-506. [1857.??.??]
  54. ^ Scopoli, J. A. (1972) , Entomologia Carniola. xxxiii + 7 pls. + 421 pp., 43 pls. Akademische Druck-u. Sanstalt, Graz.
  55. ^ Vallot, J. N. (1802) , Concordance systematique, servant de table des matieres a l'ouvrage de Reaumur intitule: Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire des Insectes. 196 + 11 pp. Gregoire & Thouvenin, Paris (An X") [before 1802.09.22]
  56. ^ Aldrich, J. M. (1929) , A revision of the two-winged flies of the genus Procecidochares in North America, with an allied new genus. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 76(2), 13 p. [= No. 2799]. [1929.06.07]
  57. ^ Bezzi, M. (1919) , A new Australian species of Rioxa, with a remarkable life-habit (Dipt.; Trypaneidae). Bull. Ent. Res. 10: 1-5. [1919.10.??]
  58. ^ Bezzi, M. (1923) , Trypaneides d'Afrique (Dipt.) de la collection du Museum National de Paris [part]. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 29: 523-530. [after 1923.11.29]
  59. ^ Cresson, E. T., Jr. (1931) , Notes on the abstersa-group of the genus Tephritis, and a description of a new species from California (Diptera: Trypetidae). Entomol. News 42: 3-5. [1931.01.13]
  60. ^ Doane, R. W. (1899) , Notes on Trypetidae with descriptions of new species. J. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 7: 177-193, pls. 3-4. [1899.09.??]
  61. ^ Drew, R. A. I. (1968) , Two new species of Dacinae (Diptera: Trypetidae) from New Britain. J. Aust. Ent. Soc. 7: 21-24. [1968.06.30]
  62. ^ Foote, R. H. (1959) , A new synonymy in the Tephritidae (Diptera). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 61: 59. [1959.04.30]
  63. ^ Korneyev, V. A. (1987) , Little known species of Tephritidae (Diptera) of the Ukrainian fauna, p. 83-87. In Fauna i biotsenoticheskie cvyazi nasekomykh ukrainy. Cbornik nauchnykh trudov. Naukova Dumka, Kiev. 92 p. [1987.??.??]
  64. ^ Loew, H. (1850) , Zwei neue Fliegen und zwei systematische Bedenken. Stettin. Entomol. Ztg. 11: 378-382. [1850.11.??]
  65. ^ Collin, J. E. (1938) , The British species of Lonchoptera (Diptera). Ent. mon. Mag. 74: 60-65. [1938.03.05]
  66. ^ Gimmerthal, B. A. (1842) , Uebersicht der Zweiflugler Livlands und Kurlands. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 15: 639-659. [1842.??.??]
  67. ^ Sabrosky, C. W. (1958) , A new genus and two new species of Chamaemyiidae (Diptera) feeding on Orthezia scale insects. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. (1957) 52: 114-117. [1958.01.29]
  68. ^ Jaschhof, M (1998) , Revision der "Lestremiinae" (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) der Holarktis. Studia Dipt., suppl. 4, 552 pp.
  69. ^ Sasa, M. & Ogata, K. (1999) , Taxonomic studies on the chironomid midges (Diptera, Chironomidae) collected from the Kurobe Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant. Medical Ent. Zool. 50: 85-104. [1999.06.??]
  70. ^ Rudzinski, H.-G. (1999) , Dir Trauermucken des Natal-Museums Pietermaritzburg (Sudafrika)(Diptera: Sciaridae). Teil 3: Eine neue Art der Gattung Moehnia Pritchard 1960 aus Afrika. Ent. Zeitschr. 109: 373-380. [1999.09.16]
  71. ^ [a b c] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (27 juni 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/verrallina+yerburyi/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  72. ^ Systema Dipterorum. Pape T. & Thompson F.C. (eds), 2011-01-06