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Uranotaenia pallidoventer

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Uranotaenia pallidoventer
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ArtUranotaenia pallidoventer
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§ Uranotaenia pallidoventer
AuktorTheobald, 1903
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Uranotaenia pallidoventer[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81] är en tvåvingeart som beskrevs av Theobald 1903. Uranotaenia pallidoventer ingår i släktet Uranotaenia och familjen stickmyggor.[82][83] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[82]

Källor[redigera | redigera wikitext]

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  3. ^ Zwick, P. (1989) , Family Blephariceridae. Cat. Dipt. Austr. Reg.: 119-121. [1989.08.23].
  4. ^ Dyar, H. G. (1919) , Westward extension of the Canadian mosquito fauna (Diptera, Culicidae). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 7: 11-39. [1919.03.18]
  5. ^ Dyar, H. G. (1926) , Three psychodids from the Glacier National Park (Diptera, Psychodidae). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 14: 103-106, 1 pl. [1926.11.08]
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  7. ^ Enderlein, G. (1927) , Dipterologische Studien. XIX. Stettin. Ent. Ztg. 88: l02-109.
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  9. ^ Engel, E. O. (1918) , Das Dipterengenus Atalanta Mg. (Clinocera ol.). Berl. Ent. Z. 1918: 1-80 [1918.07.01], 197-268 [1918.12.20].
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  16. ^ Fisher, T. W. & Orth, R. E. (1969) , A new Dictya in California, with biological notes (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Pan-Pac. Ent. 45(3): 222-228.
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  19. ^ Greene, C. T. (1918) , Three new species of Diptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 20: 69-71. [1918.09.27]
  20. ^ Greene, C. T. (1919) , A new genus in Scatophagidae (Diptera). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 21: 126-129. [1919.06.18]
  21. ^ Griffiths, G. C. D. (1976) , Studies on boreal Agromyzidae (Diptera). XI. Chromatomyia miners on Elaeagnaceae. Quaest. Ent. 12: 211-216.
  22. ^ Hagen, H. A. (1881) , List of N. American Sarcophagidae, examined by R. H. Meade, Esq., Bradford, England. Can. Ent. 13: 146-150. [1881.08.15]
  23. ^ Hall, D. G. (1933) , The Sarcophaginae of Panama (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 66: 251-285.
  24. ^ Hall, D. G. (1936) , Phlebotomus (Brumptomyia) diabolicus, a new species of biting gnat from Texas (Diptera: Psychodidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 38: 27-29. [1936.03.27]
  25. ^ Hendel, F. (1930) , Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition 1925/26. Diptera. XIX. Ephydridae. Konowia 9: 127-155. [1930.07.15]
  26. ^ Hendel, F. (1933) , Neue acalyptrate Musciden aus der palaarktischen Region. (Dipt.). Dtsch. Ent. Z. 1933: 39-56. [1933.09.05]
  27. ^ Hennig, W. (1934) , Revision der Tyliden (Dipt. Acalypt.). I. Teil. Die Taeniapterinae Amerikas. Stettin. Ent. Ztg. 95: 65-108, 294-330, 4 pls. [cont.].
  28. ^ Hennig, W. (1939) , 46./47. Otitidae (46. Pterocallidae und 47. Ortalidae). Flieg. Palaearkt. Reg. 5: 1-48, pls. 1-6 (126) [1939.05.10]; 49-78, pls. 7-12 (128) [1939.07.05].
  29. ^ Hine, J. S. (1925) , Tabanidae of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. 162: 1-35.
  30. ^ Hoffman, W. A. (1926) , Notes on Ceratopogoninae (Diptera). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 28: 156-159. [1926.10.12]
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  32. ^ Hull, F. M. & Martin, W. C. (1974) , The genus Neodiplocampta Curran and related bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 76-322-346.
  33. ^ Hunter, S. J. (1898) , Parasitic influences on Melanoplus. Kans. Univ. Q. ser. A, 7: 207-210.
  34. ^ Ingram, A. & Macfie, J. W. S. (1931) , Ceratopogonidae. Dipt. Patagonia S. Chile. 2(4): 155-232.
  35. ^ Irwin, M. E. & Lyneborg, L. (1981) , The genera of Nearctic Threvidae. Bull. Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. [1980] 32: 191-277. [1981.01.22].
  36. ^ Jacobson, G. (1898) , Compte rendu de l'expedition, envoyee par l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences a Novaia Zemlia en ete 1896. IV. [Zoological explorations on Novaya Zemlya. Insects of Novaya Zemlya]. Zap. Imp. Akad. Nauk ser. 8, 8 (1): 171-244.
  37. ^ James, M. T. (1941) , Notes on the Nearctic Geosarginae (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Ent. News 52: 105-108. [1941.04.03]
  38. ^ Johnson, C. W. (1905) , Synopsis of the tipulid genus Bittacomorpha. Psyche 12: 75-76.
  39. ^ Johnson, C. W. (1907) , A new genus and species of the Tachinidae, parasitic on Archips cerasivorana. Psyche 14: 9-10.
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  41. ^ Jones, R. H. & Wirth, W. W. (1958) , New records, synonymy, and species of Texas Culicoides (Diptera, Heleidae). J. Kans. Ent. Soc. 31: 81-91. [1958.05.30]
  42. ^ Kessel, E. L. (1952) , Metaclythia, a new genus of flat-footed flies, and the description of a new species (Diptera: Clythiidae). Wasmann J. Biol. (1951) 9: 347-350. [1952.02.05]
  43. ^ Kieffer, J. J. (1898) , Description d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle espece de Sciaride (Dipt.). Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1898: 194-196.
  44. ^ Kieffer, J. J. (1912) , Anhang. Beschreibung neuer Sciariden von den Seychellen-Inseln. Pp. 192-194, pl. 9. In Enderlein, G., The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, M. A. Volume IV. No. XIII. Diptera, Sciaridae. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. ser. 2, Zool., 15: 181-194, pl. 9.
  45. ^ Kieffer, J. J. (1913) , Glanures dipterologiques. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Metz 28 [=ser. 3, 4]: 45-55.
  46. ^ Kramer, H. (1908) , Sarcophaga-Arten der Oberlausitz. Ent. Wbl. 25: 152-153.
  47. ^ Kramer, H. (1908) , Sarcophaga affinis Fll. und Verwandte. Ent. Wchnbl. 25: 200-201.
  48. ^ Landrock, K. (1918) , Die Pilzmuckengattung Dynatosoma Winn. Arch. Naturgesch., (1916) Abt. A, 82 (12): 38-51.
  49. ^ Lewis, F. B. (1956) , Two new species of Ceratopogonidae (Diptera). Psyche (Camb) 63: 46-49.
  50. ^ Lichtwardt, B. (1909) , Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Nemestriniden (Dipt.). Berl. Ent. Z. 1909: 113-123, 507-514 [1909.??.??], 643-651 [1909.07.01].
  51. ^ Lundbeck, W. (1898) , Diptera groenlandica. Naturhist. For. Kjobenhavn Vidensk. Meddel. 1898 [=ser. 5, 10]: 236-314, 2 pls. [cont.].
  52. ^ Marshall, S. A. & Rohacek, J. (1984) , A revision of the genus Telomerina Rohacek (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae). Syst. Ent. 9: 127-123.
  53. ^ Maughan, L. (1935) , A systematical and morphological study of Utah Bombyliidae, with notes on species from intermountain states. J. Kans. Ent. Soc. 8: 27-36 [1935.01.19], 37-80, 4 pls. [1935.03.15]
  54. ^ Packard, A. S. (1871) , On insects inhabiting salt water. No. 2. Am. J. Sci. Arts ser. 3, 1 [=whole ser., 101]: 100-110.
  55. ^ Pipkin, S. B. (1961) , Taxonomic relationships within the Drosophila victoria species group, subgenus Pholadoris (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 63: 145-161. [1961.11.22]
  56. ^ Reinhard, H. J. (1947) , New genera and species of muscoid Diptera. J. Kans. Ent. Soc. 20: 15-24. [1947.02.17]
  57. ^ Rogers, J. S. (1942) , The crane flies (Tipulidae) of the George Reserve, Michigan. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. 53: 1-128, 8 pls.
  58. ^ Schmitz, H. (1929) , Ergebnisse der Groenlandreise der "Pourquoi pas?'" 1926. Eine neue Megaselia-Art (Untergattung Aphiochaeta) von Ost-Groenland. Natuurhist. Maandbl. 18: 85-86.
  59. ^ Sedman, Y. S. (1959) , Male genitalia in the subfamily Cheilosiinae. Genus Chrysogaster s. I. (Diptera, Syrphidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 61: 49-58, 2 pls. [1959.04.30]
  60. ^ Shannon, R. C. (1916) , Two new North American Diptera. Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 4: 69-72. [1916.07.18]
  61. ^ Shannon, R. C. (1925) , Some American Syrphidae (Diptera). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 27: 107-112. [1925.05.28]
  62. ^ Shewell, G. E. (1971) , On the type of Agria, with description of a new Nearctic species (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Can. Ent. 103: 1179-1191. 1 pl.
  63. ^ Steenberg, C. M. (1943) , Etudes sur les larves du genre Phronia (Fungivoridae, Nematocera). Ent. Medd. 23: 337-351, 2 pls.
  64. ^ Walsh, B. D. (1864) , On certain remarkable or exceptional larvae, coleopterous, lepidopterous and dipterous, with descriptions of several new genera and species, and of several species injurious to vegetation, which have been already published in agricultural journals. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. (1862-1863) 9: 286-308.
  65. ^ Walton, W. R. (1915) , A new nocturnal species of Tachinidae. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 17: 162-164. [1915.09.18]
  66. ^ Wheeler, M. R. (1949) , XIII. Taxonomic studies on the Drosophilidae. Pp. 157-195. In Patterson, J. T., Studies in the genetics of Drosophila. VI. Articles on genetics, cytology and taxonomy. Univ. Tex. Publs. 4920: 1-223. [1949.10.15]
  67. ^ Wheeler, W. M. (1918) , Vermileo comstocki, sp. nov., an interesting leptid fly from California. Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club 6: 83-84.
  68. ^ Wilcox, J. (1941) , New Heteropogon with a key to the species (Diptera, Asilidae). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 36: 50-56.
  69. ^ Wirth, W. W. (1969) , A new Neotropical species of Mosillus (Diptera: Ephydridae). Florida Ent. 52(3): 147-152.
  70. ^ Wirth, W. W. (1983) , The North American predaceous midges of the Bezzia bicolor group (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Fla. Ent. 66: 292-310.
  71. ^ Wulp, F. M. van der (1858) , Beschrijving van eeinge nieuwe of twijfelachtige soorten van Diptera uit de familie der Nemocera. Tijdschr. Ent. 2: 159-185, pls. 1-12.
  72. ^ Wirth, W. W. (1951) , A new mountain midge from California (Diptera: Deuterophlebiidae). Pan-Pac. Ent. 27: 49-57. [1951.??.??]
  73. ^ Zaitzev, A. I. (1994) , Fungus gnats of the fauna of Russia and adjacent regions. Part 1. (Ditomyiidae, Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae). 288 pp. Nauka, Moscow [1994.??.??] [In Russian]
  74. ^ Hernandez-Oritz, V. (1999) , Nueva especie de Anastrepha Schiner del grupo spatulata en Mexico (Diptera: Tephritidae). Folia Ent. Mex. 104 (1998): 121-127. [1999.??.??]
  75. ^ Ozerov, A. L. & Sueyoshi, M. (2002) , Two new species of Paradryomyza Ozerov (Diptera, Dryomyzidae) from Asia. Stud. Dipt. 8 (2001): 563-570. [2002.01.31]
  76. ^ Camras, S. (1957) , On some Conopidae (Dipt.) from Ceylon. Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel 68: 68-71. [1957.??.??]
  77. ^ Krober, O. (1939-40) , Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Conopiden. I., II. Die Conopiden der Aethiopischen Region; III. Die Conopiden Sud- und Mittelamerikas (incl. Antillen und Mexiko); IV. Die Conopiden der Australischen Region; V. Die Conopiden der Orientalischen fauna. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (11) 4: 362-395 [1939.09.??], 454-468 [1939.10.??], 525-543 [1939.11.??], 594-607 [1939.12.??]; (11) 5: 64-82 [1940.01.??], 203-245 [1940.02.??]
  78. ^ Roder, V. von (1889) , Ein neuer Conops aus Klein-Asien. Wien. ent. Ztg 8: 6-7. [1889.??.??]
  79. ^ Alexander, C. P. (1930) , Records and descriptions of Trichoceridae from the Japanese Empire (Ord. Diptera), Konowia 9: 103-108. [1930.??.??]
  80. ^ Daueron, C. (2002) , Monophyly of the Empis (Coptophlebia) hyalea-group with a new species from New Caledonia (Diptera, Empididae). Mem. Mus. nat. Hist. nat., Paris 187: 85-89. [before 2002.07.17 receipt at USNM]
  81. ^ Stary, J. (1972) , European species of the genus Dicranoptycha Osten-Sacken (Diptera, Tipulidae). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 69: 401-416. [1972.??.??]
  82. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (27 juni 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/uranotaenia+pallidoventer/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  83. ^ Systema Dipterorum. Pape T. & Thompson F.C. (eds), 2011-01-06