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Tetrix tenuicornis

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Tetrix tenuicornis
KlassEgentliga insekter
ArtTetrix tenuicornis
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Tetrix tenuicornis
Auktor(Sahlberg, 1891)
Tetrix undulata australis Bei-Bienko, 1964[1][2][3]
Tetrix antennata Steinmann, 1964[1][4][5]
Tetrix pisarskii Bazyluk, 1963[6]
Tetrix nutans pisarskii Bazyluk, 1963[7]
Tetrix tenuicornis pisarskii Bazyluk, 1963[5][2]
Acrydium tenuicornis (Sahlberg, 1891)[8]
Tettix tenuicornis Sahlberg, 1891[9]
Tetratetrix nutans (Hagenbach, 1822)[10]
Tetrix nutans Hagenbach, 1822[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][1][18][19]
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Tetrix tenuicornis[20][21][22][23][24][11][25][26][27][28][29][8][30][31][14][15][32][33][34][35][1][36][37][5][9][38][39] är en insektsart som först beskrevs av Sahlberg 1891. Tetrix tenuicornis ingår i släktet Tetrix och familjen torngräshoppor.[40][41] Enligt den finländska rödlistan[42] är arten starkt hotad i Finland. Artens livsmiljö är torra gräsmarker.[42] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[40]

  1. ^ [a b c d] Storozhenko, Ichikawa & M. Uchida (1994) Review of Orthoptera of the eastern Palearctica. Genus Tetrix Latreille (Tetrigidae, Tetriginae). Part 2, New Entomologist (New Ent.) 43(3-4):43-54
  2. ^ [a b] Storozhenko In Lehr & Kupyanskaya [Ed.] (1986) Orthoptera (Saltatoria) (in Russian) , Identification of insects of the Far West of the USSR in 6 volumes, Nauka, Leningrad, Novosibirsk 1:241-317
  3. ^ Bei-Bienko (1964) Order Orthoptera, Keys to insects of European part of USSR[Opredelitel' nasekomykh Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR] 1:205-284
  4. ^ Steinmann (1964) Some new Tetrigid species and subspecies from Asia (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung.) 10:457-468, 30 figs.
  5. ^ [a b c] Chogsomzhav In Gorochov (1972) , Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of Mongolia] (Nasek. Mong. [Ins. Mong.]) 1
  6. ^ Bazyluk (1963) Materiaux pour la connaissance des Orthopteres palearctiques. III-IV. Deux especes nouvelles du genre Tetrix Latr. de Mongolie, Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) (Ann. Zool. (Wars)) 21:289-293, 32 figs.
  7. ^ Mishchenko (1968) , Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 47
  8. ^ [a b] Kirby, W.F. (1910) , A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae), British Museum (Natural History), London 3(2):674 pp.
  9. ^ [a b] Sahlberg (1891) Om de finska arterona af Orthopterslagtet Tettix Charp., Medd. Soc. Faun. Dlor. Fenn. 19:43-48
  10. ^ Nagy, B. & Szövényi (1997) Orthopteroid insects of Orség landscape conservation area (Western Hungary), Savaria: A Vas Megyei Múzeumok Értesítoje (Pars historico-naturalis) (Savaria) 24/2:7-23
  11. ^ [a b] Harz (1975) Die Orthopteren Europas II, Series Entomologica (Ser. Entomol.) 11:1-939, 3519 figs.
  12. ^ Herrera (1982) Catalogue of the Orthoptera of Spain, Series Entomologica (Ser. Entomol.) 22:1-162
  13. ^ Shumakov (1963) Les acridiens et les autres orthoptères de l'Afghanistan et de l'Iran [in Russian], Trudy Vsesoyeiznogo Entomologicheskojo Obshchestva, Moskva [= Horae Societatis Entomologicae Unionis Soveticae] (Trudy Vses. Entomol. Obshch. [= Horae Soc. Entomol. Union. Sov.]) 49:3-248
  14. ^ [a b] Bei-Bienko & Mishchenko (1951) Keys to the fauna of the U.S.S.R. [1964 English translation, no. 40], Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries, Zoological Inst. of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow/Leningrad 2:385-667 [1-291]
  15. ^ [a b] Bazyluk (1958) Tetrigidae (Orthoptera) of Poland. (in Polish with English and Russian summaries), Fragm. faun. Mus. zool. Polon. 7:379-409, 5 pls.
  16. ^ Szövényi & B. Nagy (1999) A Koszegi-Hegység Orthoptera-Faunájának Kritikai Áttekintése, Savaria: A Vas Megyei Múzeumok Értesítoje (Pars historico-naturalis) (Savaria) 25(2):99-126
  17. ^ Hagenbach (1822) , Symb. Faun. Inst. Helv.
  18. ^ Kevan, D.K.M. (1961) Acrydium undulatum Sowerby, 1806 (Insecta, Orthoptera), Proposed addition to the Official List, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature (Bull. Zool. Nomencl.) 18(6):380, 382
  19. ^ Jensen (2002) Torngraeshoppen Tetrix nutans Hagenbach 1822 fundet i Danmark, Flora og Fauna 108(3):56
  20. ^ Defaut [Ed.] (2001) , La détermination des Orthoptères de France, Defaut, Bedeilhac 85
  21. ^ Defaut (1999) Synopsis des orthoptères de France, Matériaux Orthoptériques et Entomocenotiques 2:87
  22. ^ Voisin [Ed.] (2003) Atlas des Orthoptères et des Mantides de France, Patrimoines Naturels 60:1-104
  23. ^ Nagy, B. (2005) Orthoptera fauna of the Carpathian basin - recent status of knowledge and a revised checklist, Entomofauna Carpathica 17:14-22
  24. ^ Fontana, Buzzetti, Cogo & Odé (2002) , Guida al riconoscimento e allo studio di cavallette, grilli, mantidi e insetti affini del Veneto: Blattaria, Mantodea, Isoptera, Orthoptera, Phasmatodea, Dermaptera, Embidiina, Museo Naturalistico Archaeologico di Vicenza, Vicenza 1-592
  25. ^ Jiang, G. & Z. Zheng (1998) , Grasshoppers and Locusts from Guangxi, Guangxi Normal University 390
  26. ^ Jiang, G. & Liang (2004) Fifty-Three species of Tetrigoidea (Orthoptera) from Cenwang Mountain in the Western Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, Entomological News (Entomol. News) 115(4):201-206
  27. ^ Liang & Z. Zheng (1998) Orthoptera Tetrigoidea, Fauna Sinica, Insecta 12:i-x, 1-278
  28. ^ Zheng, Z. (2005) , Fauna of the Tetrigoidea from Western China, Science Press, Beijing 1-501
  29. ^ Deng, W.-A., Z. Zheng & S.-Z. Wei (2007) , Fauna of Tetrigoidea from Yunnan and Guangxi, Guangxi Science & Technology Press, Nanning, China 1-458
  30. ^ Lehmann, A.W. & I. Landeck (2007) Pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from north-eastern Turkey, Articulata 22(2):225-234
  31. ^ Jiang, G., G. Lu, K. Huang & Ribo Huang (2002) Studies on genetic variations and phylogenetic relationships among five species of Tetrix using RAPD markers, Acta Entomologica Sinica (Acta Entomol. Sin.) 45(4):499-502
  32. ^ Defaut (2008[2007]) Validité et champs d'application de divers vocables taxonomiques de la famille Acrididae (Orthoptera), Matériaux Orthoptériques et Entomocenotiques 12:5-14
  33. ^ Nagy, A. & B. Nagy (2000) The Orthoptera fauna of the Villany Hills (South Hungary), Dunántúli Dolgozatok Természettudományi Sorozat (Dunantuli Dolg. Term. Tud. Sorozat) 10:147-156
  34. ^ Bellmann (1985) , Heuschrecken: beobachten, bestimmen, Verlag J. Neumann-Neudamm, Melsungen (JNN-Naturführer) 1-210
  35. ^ Bellmann & Luquet (1995) , Guide des sauterelles, grillons et criquets d'Europe occidentale, Delachaux et Niestle, Lausanne 1-383
  36. ^ Detzel [Ed.] (1998) , Die Heuschrecken Baden-Württembergs, Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1-580
  37. ^ Zheng, Z. & X. Ou (1993) A new species of Tetrix from Yunnan (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae), Acta Entomologica Sinica (Acta Entomol. Sin.) 36:359-361, illustr.
  38. ^ Schulte, A.M. (2003) Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Tetrix bipunctata (Linnaeus 1758) und Tetrix tenuicornis (Sahlberg 1893) (Saltatoria: Tetrigidae). Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Tetrix bipunctata (Linnaeus 1758) and Tetrix tenuicornis (Sahlberg 1893) (Salta, Articulata Beiheft 10:1-226
  39. ^ Benediktov (1998) Acoustic signalization in the genus Tetrix (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae), Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 77(9):1021-1025
  40. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (29 september 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/tetrix+tenuicornis/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  41. ^ OrthopteraSF: Orthoptera Species File. Eades D.C., Otte D., Cigliano M.M., Braun H., 2010-04-28
  42. ^ [a b] (på finska/engelska) Suomen lajien uhanalaisuus 2010= / The 2010 red list of Finnish species. Helsinki: Ympäristöministeriö. 2010. Libris 12130085. ISBN 978-952-11-3805-8. http://www.ym.fi/fi-FI/Ajankohtaista/Julkaisut/Erillisjulkaisut/Suomen_lajien_uhanalaisuus__Punainen_kir%284709%29. Läst 15 oktober 2015  Arkiverad 9 september 2015 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.

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