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Stormfront är ett vit makt-[1] och nynazistiskt[2] Internetforum, vilken beskrivs som den första riktigt stora hatsidan.[3] Forumet grundades 1996[4] och ägs privat av amerikanen Don Black, som har bakgrund i diverse rasistiska och högerextremistiska rörelser och grupper inom USA, däribland Ku Klux Klan. Black förnekar dock att forumet skulle vara rasistiskt och nazistiskt, och menar att sajten representerar vad han kallar vit nationalism.
Forumet omfattar mer än politik. Det finns exempelvis ett datingforum, "white dates", en sektion för ungdomar, en för musik, samt en för kampsporter. På Stormfront förekommer också öppna forum, där gäster, meningsmotståndare och andra som inte kvalificerar sig till att vara vanliga medlemmar (exempelvis icke-vita) kan skriva. En stor internationell sektion finns också, med brittiska, franska, spanska, ryska, ungerska och serbiska och skandinaviska subforum.
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[redigera | redigera wikitext]Referenser
[redigera | redigera wikitext]- ^ Sources which consider Stormfront a white supremacist website include:
- Schwab Abel, David (February 19–25, 1998). ”The Racist Next Door”. New Times. Arkiverad från originalet den 4 januari 2012. Läst 27 december 2011. ”Black's swastika-strewn "Stormfront" – the only white supremacist Website on the Internet before the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City”
- Etchingham, Julie (12 januari 2000). ” expands on the net”. BBC News (BBC). Läst 14 september 2007.
- Lloyd, Robin (12 augusti 1999). ”Web trackers hunt racist groups online”. CNN. Läst 14 september 2007.
- ”Hate on the World Wide Web:A Brief Guide to Cyberspace Bigotry”. Anti-Defamation League. 1 oktober 1998. Läst 1 januari 2009.
- ”Jena Rally Sparks White Supremacist Rage, Lynching Threat”. Southern Poverty Law Center. 20 september 2007. Läst 29 januari 2008.
- Ripley, Amanda (5 mars 2005). ”The Bench Under Siege”. Time Magazine. Arkiverad från originalet den 26 maj 2013.,9171,1034695-2,00.html. Läst 29 januari 2008.
- Scheneider, Keith (13 mars 1995). ”Hate Groups Use Tools Of the Electronic Trade”. The New York Times (The New York Times Company). Läst 29 januari 2001.
- Atkins, Stephen E. (August 30, 2002). Encyclopedia of Modern American Extremists and Extremist Groups. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. ISBN 0-313-31502-7. Läst 19 juli 2008. ”In 1995 Black brought up a Web site, Stormfront, which now serves as the primary site for white supremacist Internet communications.”
- Mooney, Linda A.; Knox, David; Schach, Caroline (2004). ”Race and Ethic Relations”. Understanding Social Problems. Thomson Wadsworth. sid. 181. ISBN 0-534-62514-2.,M1. Läst 19 juli 2008. ”White supremacist groups such as Stormfront spread their message of racial hate through their Web site.”
- Wang, Wally (April 15, 2006). ”Hate Groups and Terrorists on the Internet”. Steal This Computer Book 4.0: What They Won't Tell You About the Internet (4th). No Starch Press Inc. sid. 239. ISBN 1-59327-105-0. Läst 19 juli 2008. ”Don Black, an ex-Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and owner of the white supremacist homepage Stormfront (”
- Casey, Natasha (February 2006). ”'The Best Kept Secret in Retail': Selling Business in Contemporary America”. The Irish in Us: Irishness, Performativity, and Popular Culture. Duke University Press. sid. 94. ISBN 0-8223-3740-1.,+Performativity,+and+Popular+Culture&printsec=frontcover. Läst 19 juli 2008. ”… the inclusion of the Stormfront flag specifically defines its audience as white supremacist.”
- Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B. (June 26, 2003). Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies. Sage Publications. sid. 227. ISBN 0-7619-2814-6. Läst 19 juli 2008. ”A search for the term 'Stormfront' on the American version of Google results in a list of sites with the white supremacist Web site Stormfront first on the list.”
- Lane, Henry W.; DiStefano, Joseph J.; Maznevski, Martha L. (2006). International Management Behavior. Blackwell Publishing. sid. 539. ISBN 1-4051-2671-X. Läst 19 juli 2008. ”After his release in 1985, Black launched the first white supremacist Web site. Black's "Stormfront" was one of the largest hate sites on the Internet”
- Jepson, Peter (2003). Tackling Militant Racism. Ashgate Publishing. sid. 151. ISBN 0-7546-2163-4. Läst 19 juli 2008. ”Stormfront is a white supremacist organisation.” footnote 83.
- ^ Sources which consider Stormfront a Neo-Nazi website include:
- Kim, T.K. (Summer 2005). ”Electronic Storm – Stormfront Grows a Thriving Neo-Nazi Community”. Intelligence Report (Southern Poverty Law Center) (118). Läst 30 december 2008.
- Zhou, Y; Reid E, Qinj, Chen H, and Lai G (2008). U.S. Domestic Extremist Groups on the Web: Link and Content Analysis. University of Arizona. Arkiverad från originalet den 9 juli 2010. Läst 27 december 2008. ”, a neo-Nazi’s Web site set up in 1995, is considered the first major domestic “hate site” on the World Wide Web because of its depth of content and its presentation style which represented a new period for online right-wing extremism” Arkiverad 9 juli 2010 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
- Eshman, Rob (23 december 2008). ”Jewish Money”. The Jewish Journal. ”Earlier this week, when I entered the search terms "Madoff" and "Jewish" into Google, the top responses included and, a neo-Nazi Web site.”
- Hildebrand, Joe (1 januari 2008). ”Arkiverade kopian”. The Daily Telegraph (News Corporation). Arkiverad från originalet den juni 11, 2009.,22049,23028061-5001021,00.html?from=mostpop. Läst 27 december 2011. ”Much of the activity has been co-ordinated through the neo-Nazi website Stormfront, whose Australian arm is moderated by 18-year-old Newcastle resident Rhys McLean.”
- Ezra Levant, Mark Steyn. Shakedown: How Our Government Is Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights. McClelland & Stewart, 2009, ISBN 978-0-7710-4619-3, p. 208. "A particularly rough stretch of road is a neo-Nazi website called"
- Jeffrey Kaplan, Heléne Lööw. The Cultic Milieu: Oppositional Subcultures in an Age of Globalization. Rowman Altamira, 2002, ISBN 978-0-7591-0204-0, p. 224. "Also, Web Pages such as ...'Stormfront'... in addition to racist, anti-Semitic, and neo-Nazi messages and illustrations, provide links..."
- James Friedman. Reality Squared: Televisual Discourse on the Real. Rutgers University Press, 2002, ISBN 978-0-8135-2989-9, p. 163. "Stormfront provides its viewers with... a general store stocked with Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and neo-Nazi literature and music..."
- Peter Katel, "Hate Groups: Is Extremism on the Rise in the United States?", in CQ Researcher (ed.). Issues in Terrorism and Homeland Security, SAGE, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4129-9201-5, p. 79. "...a March 13 Web post by Poplawski to the neo-Nazi Web site Stormfront."
- Zev Garber. Mel Gibson's Passion: The Film, the Controversy, and its Implications. Purdue University Press, 2006, ISBN 978-1-55753-405-7, p. 147. "...Internet websites (e.g. Angry White Female web-page, Vanguard News Network, Christian Identity website, Stormfront Neo-Nazi website, National Alliance website...)"
- Mark Crispin Miller. Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform. Basic Books, 2007, ISBN 978-0-465-04580-8 p. 461. "...appearing on such ultra-rightist websites as Free Republic and the neo-Nazi outfit Stormfront (“WHITE PRIDE WORLD WIDE”)."
- Markos Moulitsas. American Taliban: How War, Sex, Sin, and Power Bind Jihadists and the Radical Right, Polipoint Press, 2010, ISBN 978-1-936227-02-0 P. 56. "Poplawski was active on white supremacist and neo-Nazi Stormfront internet forums."
- Andrew Martin, Patrice Petro. Rethinking Global Security: Media, Popular Culture, and the "War on terror". Rutgers University Press, 2006, ISBN 978-0-8135-3830-3, p. 174. "...9/11 Internet chat-room discussions, including radical hate-group sites like the neo-Nazi"
- John Gorenfeld, Barry W. Lynn. Bad Moon Rising: How Reverend Moon Created the Washington Times, Seduced the Religious Right, and Built an American Kingdom, Polipoint Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-9794822-3-6, p. 68. "She has even written in to neo-Nazi Web site Stormfront, geeking out together on Peter Jackson's film adaptation;..."
- ^ Sources which identify Stormfront as the Internet's "first hate site" include:
- Levin, Brian (August 21, 2003). ”Cyberhate: A Legal and Historical Analysis of Extremists' Use of Computer Networks in America”. Hate and Bias Crime: A Reader. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-94408-2. Läst 21 juli 2008
- Ryan, Nick (March 2, 2004). ”Thirteen Days”. Into a World of Hate: A Journey Among the Extreme Right (1st). Routledge. sid. 80. ISBN 0-415-94922-X. Läst 21 juli 2008. ”It was Black who would launch Stormfront, the first major extremist hate site.”
- Samuels, Shimon (February 6, 1997), ”Is the Holocaust unique?”, Is the Holocaust Unique?: Perspectives on Comparative Genocide, Westview Press, sid. 218, ISBN 0-8133-3686-4,, läst 21 juli 2008, ”It was Holocaust denier and Ku Klux Klan leader, Don Black, who had founded Stormfront (the very first Internet hate site, in 1995)”
- Bolaffi, Guido; Bracalenti, Raffaele; Braham, Peter H.; Gindro, Sandro (December 26, 2002). Dictionary of Race, Ethnicity and Culture (1st). Sage Publications. sid. 254. ISBN 0-7619-6900-4.,+Ethnicity+and+Culture. Läst 21 juli 2008. ”The first extremist hate site was Stormfront (1995)”
- ^ Internetmuseum (6 december 2017). ”När trollen klev in i politiken – en historisk genomgång”. Läst 20 mars 2019.