Det här är en dokumentationssida till Mall:Graph:Map. Den innehåller användningsinformation, kategorier och annat innehåll som inte är en del av mallen. |
This template is used to create a world choropleth map where certain countries are highlighted as needed.
[redigera wikitext]Den här mallen använder Module:Graph, ett skript som använder programspråket Lua. Se Wikipedia:Lua om du vill veta mer om hur man använder Lua i mallar. |
- basemap: Sets the base file to be used for getting the JSON data and creating boundaries. Optimally, this would mean that it would be easy to change files as needed for different administrative divisions, but it is currently reccomended not to use that parameter and allow the template to keep its default value.
- [any two digit country code (must be uppercase)]: Sets the color that that country will be in on the map (for example
would color Italy green andTD=#f53aaa
would color Chad in the color produced by hex RGB code #f53aaa). The template uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 for the country code. There are, however, some exceptions for (partly) unrecognized states:
- scale: Sets the size of the map. There is no exact width-height control available. By default, this is set to 90.
- projection: Sets what projection the map will use. By default it is set to equirectangular. Here are some available projections - be warned that not all of them work.
[redigera wikitext]{{Graph:Map|US=red}}
(note that French Guiana is also colored in)
Because of Lua functionality, you can now make maps with numerical values and sliding color scales.
Utökat innehåll
| scale = 100
| projection = conicEqualArea
| colorScale = category10
| domainMin = 1000
| domainMax = 1500000
| defaultValue = red
| scaleType = log
| legend = yes
| AE=8442 | AF=28398 | AL=3150 | AM=2963 | AO=19549 | AR=40374 | AT=8402 | AU=22404 | AZ=9095
| BA=3846 | BD=151125 | BE=10941 | BF=15540 | BG=7389 | BI=9233 | BJ=9510 | BN=401 | BO=10157
| BR=195210 | BS=360 | BT=717 | BW=1969 | BY=9491 | BZ=309 | CA=34126 | CD=62191 | CF=4350
| CG=4112 | CH=7831 | CI=18977 | CL=17151 | CM=20624 | CN=1359821 | CO=46445 | CR=4670
| CU=11282 | CY=1104 | NORTHERN_CYPRUS=313 | CZ=10554 | DE=83017 | DJ=834 | DK=5551 | DO=10017 | DZ=37063 | EC=15001
| EE=1299 | EG=78076 | EH=515 | ER=5741 | ES=46182 | ET=87095 | FI=5368 | FJ=861 | FK=3
| FR=63231 | GA=1556 | GB=62066 | GE=4389 | GH=24263 | GL=57 | GM=1681 | GN=10876 | GQ=696
| GR=11110 | GT=14342 | GW=1587 | GY=786 | HN=7621 | HR=4338 | HT=9896 | HU=10015 | ID=240676
| IE=4468 | IL=7420 | IN=1205625 | IQ=30962 | IR=74462 | IS=318 | IT=60509 | JM=2741 | JO=6455
| JP=127353 | KE=40909 | KG=5334 | KH=14365 | KP=24501 | KOSOVO = 1895 | KR=48454 | KW=2992 | KZ=15921
| LA=6396 | LB=4341 | LK=20759 | LR=3958 | LS=2009 | LT=3068 | LU=508 | LV=2091 | LY=6041
| MA=31642 | MD=3573 | ME=620 | MG=21080 | MK=2102 | ML=13986 | MM=51931 | MN=2713 | MR=3609
| MW=15014 | MX=117886 | MY=28276 | MZ=23967 | NA=2179 | NC=246 | NE=15894 | NG=159708
| NI=5822 | NL=16615 | NO=4891 | NP=26846 | NZ=4368 | OM=2803 | PA=3678 | PE=29263 | PG=6859
| PH=93444 | PK=173149 | PL=38199 | PR=3710 | PS=4013 | PT=10590 | PY=6460 | QA=1750
| RO=21861 | RS=9647 | RU=143618 | RW=10837 | SA=27258 | SB=526 | SD=35652 | SE=9382 | SI=2054
| SK=5433 | SL=5752 | SN=12951 | SO=9636 | SOMALILAND=3500 | SR=525 | SS=9941 | SV=6218 | SY=21533 | SZ=1193
| TD=11721 | TG=6306 | TH=66402 | TJ=7627 | TL=1079 | TM=5042 | TN=10632 | TR=72138 | TT=1328
| TW=23146 | TZ=44973 | UA=46050 | UG=33987 | US=312247 | UY=3372 | UZ=27769 | VE=29043
| VN=89047 | VU=236 | YE=22763 | ZA=51452 | ZM=13217 | ZW=13077
}} |
[redigera wikitext]{{en:Template:JAL destmap}} - Map of Japan Airlines destinations
{{JAL destmap|scale=100}}
Mall:JAL destmap
[redigera wikitext]Very small countries (Singapore, Vatican City) and supranational groups aren't shown on the map. Also, unless if the map is in its own template, it is hard to get a bigger version to show up.
See also
[redigera wikitext]- Choose the colors
{{Choropleth world map}}
{{Animerad världskarta}}