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Heliophanus potanini

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Heliophanus potanini
ArtHeliophanus potanini
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Heliophanus potanini
AuktorSchenkel, 1963
Heliophanus tribulosus 1979[1]
Menemerus fagei Schenkel, 1963[2]
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Heliophanus potanini[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] är en spindelart som beskrevs av Schenkel 1963. Heliophanus potanini ingår i släktet Heliophanus och familjen hoppspindlar.[16][17] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[16]

  1. ^ Prószynski J. (1979) Systematic studies on East Palaearctic Salticidae III. Remarks on Salticidae of the USSR, Annales zoologici, Warszawa: 309, illustrations 117-118misidentified
  2. ^ Schenkel E. (1963) Ostasiatische Spinnen aus dem Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, Mémoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, N.S., Zoologie, Paris: 422, illustrations 242
  3. ^ Logunov D.V. (1992a) Salticidae of the Middle Asia (Aranei). I. New species from the genera Heliophanus, Salticus and Sitticus, with notes on new faunistic records of the family, Arthropoda Selecta, Moscow: 66
  4. ^ Logunov D.V., Zamanpoore M. (2005) Salticidae (Araneae) of Afghanistan: an annotated check-list, with description of four new species and three new synonymies, Bulletin of the British arachnological Society,: 13(6): 219
  5. ^ Nenilin A. B. (1984c) [Materials on the fauna of the spider family Salticidae of the USSR. I. Catalog of the Salticidae of Central Asia], Fauna and Ecology of Arachnids, Univ. of Perm: 136
  6. ^ Prószynski J. (2003b) Salticidae (Aranae) of the World. Ver. 1995-2006 [On CD and Internet], ”Arkiverade kopian”. Arkiverad från originalet den 4 juli 2012. https://web.archive.org/web/20120704132326/http://www.miiz.waw.pl/salticid/main.htm. Läst 3 februari 2013. : , illustrations /diagnost/hlphanus/potanini.htm
  7. ^ Song D. , Zhu M. , Chen J. (1999) The Spiders of China, Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House: 514, illustrations 300R-S, 301A
  8. ^ Schenkel E. (1963) Ostasiatische Spinnen aus dem Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, Mémoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, N.S., Zoologie, Paris: 397, illustrations 228
  9. ^ Logunov D.V., Marusik Y.M. (2000b [2001]) Catalogue of the jumping spiders of northern Asia (Arachnida, Araneae), KMK Scientific Press Ltd.: 120-121, illustrations map 24
  10. ^ Prószynski J. (1982) Salticidae (Araneae) from Mongolia. 74:, Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, Budapest: 284-285, illustrations 29, 32
  11. ^ Wesolowska W. (1981b) Redescriptions of the E. Schenkel's East Asiatic Salticidae (Aranei), Annales zoologici, Warszawa: 133, illustrations 14-17
  12. ^ Hu J.L., Wu W. G. (1989) Spiders from agricultural regions of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China., Shandong Univ. Publ. House: 373, illustrations 282.4-7
  13. ^ Wesolowska W. (1986) A revision of the genus Heliophanus C.L. Koch, 1833 (Aranei: Salticidae)., Annales zoologici, Warszawa: 40, 1: 11, 219, illustrations 733-740, 891-map
  14. ^ Zhou N. , Song D. (1988) Notes on some jumping spiders from Xinjiang, China, August 1st agric. Coll.: 3-4, illustrations 4a-e
  15. ^ Rakov S.Y., Logunov D.V. (1996 [1997a]) A critical review of the genus Heliophanus C.l. Koch, 1833, of Middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei, Salticidae), Arthropoda Selecta, Moscow: 97-99, illustrations 61, 123-131
  16. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (3 mars 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/heliophanus+potanini/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  17. ^ SalticidDB: Global Species Database of Salticidae (Araneae). Prószynski J., 2010-08-23