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Carausius morosus

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Carausius morosus
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ArtCarausius morosus
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Carausius morosus
Auktor(Sinéty, 1901)
Dixippus morosus Sinéty, 1901[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
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Carausius morosus [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][1][24][25][26][27][2][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][3][4][75][76][77][78][5][79][6][7][80] är en insektsart som först beskrevs av Sinéty 1901. Carausius morosus ingår i släktet Carausius och familjen Phasmatidae.[81][82] På svenska kallas den Indisk vandrande pinne och är en av de vanligaste insekterna att ha som husdjur. Arten härstammar från Tamil Nadu i södra Indien men har spridits till andra platser. Populationer av Indisk vandrande pinne på andra platser består enbart av honor som förökar sig med partenogenes (jungfrufödsel). Indisk vandrande pinne är växtätare och har ett effektivt kamouflage, liksom de flesta andra arterna i familjen. De är mest aktiva på natten. Inga underarter finns listade.[81]

  1. ^ [a b] Sinéty (1901) Recherches sur la biologie et l'anatomie des Phasmes, Cellula, Joseph Van In & Cie, Lierre 19:1-164, pl. 1-5
  2. ^ [a b] La Baume (1908) , Z. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4
  3. ^ [a b] Toumanoff (1928) Le gynandromorphisme chez Dixippus (Carausius) morosus Br, et Redt, Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique 62:388-413
  4. ^ [a b] Toumanoff (1927) Deux cas de gynandromorphisme biparti chez Dixippus morosus Br. et Redt., Comptes rendus des séances de la Sociéte de biologie 107:1388
  5. ^ [a b] Blanchard (1914) , Bull. Soc. Lausanne 49
  6. ^ [a b] Fellmann (1908) , Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift
  7. ^ [a b] Schmitz, B. (1906) , Natur u. Offenb. Munster 62
  8. ^ Otte & Brock (2005) , Phasmida Species File. Catalog of Stick and Leaf Insects of the world, The Insect Diversity Association at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 1-414
  9. ^ Whiting, M.F., Bradler & Maxwell (2003) Loss and recovery of wings in stick insects, Nature 421(6920):264-267
  10. ^ Brock (2003) Rearing and Studying Stick and Leaf Insects. The Amateur Entomologist 22, Rearing and studying stick and leaf insects, The Amateur Entomologists' Society, London 22
  11. ^ Brock (2000) , A complete guide to breeding Stick and Leaf Insects, Kingdom Books, Havant 1-67
  12. ^ Baxter (2002) , Rearing Stick and Leaf Insects, Chudleigh Publishing, Ilford 1-103
  13. ^ Seiler, C. & et al. (2000) , Phasmiden Pflege und Zucht von Gespenstschrecken, Stabschrecken und Wandelnden Blattern im Terrarium
  14. ^ Lipinski, Greven, Schulten & Löser (1999) , Die Struktur der Eihüllen von 48 Phasmatodea-Arten aus der Sammlung des Löbbecke Museum und Aquazoo Düsseldorf, Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Löbbecke-Museum und Aquazoo 1-125
  15. ^ Schulten (1995) , Wandelnde Blätter, Stab- und Gespenstschrecken, Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Löbbecke-Museum and Aquazoo 3:1-132
  16. ^ Brunner von Wattenwyl (1907) (Usually bound in one volume, Brunner & Redtenbacher 1906-08, published in three parts: Redtenbacher 1906, 1908; Brunner 1907), Die Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden. II. Phasmidae Anareolatae (Clitumnini, Lonchodini, Bacunculini)., Verlag Engelmann, Leipzig Phasmiden:181-338, pls 7-15
  17. ^ Clark (1974) , Stick and Leaf Insects, Barry Shurlock, Winchester 1-65
  18. ^ Yasumatsu (1942) Eggs of Stick Insects, Bulletin of Takarazuka Insectarium 18:1-19
  19. ^ Cliquennois (2007) Aperçu général de la diversité des phasmes de Madagascar (Insecta, Phasmatodea), Bulletin d'Arthropoda 32:3-16
  20. ^ Maginnis, T.L. (2006) The costs of autotomy and regeneration in animals: a review and framework for future research, Behavioural Ecology 857-872
  21. ^ Lee, M. (2006) The Stick-insects of Great Britain, Iteland and the Channel Isles, The Phasmid Study Group Newsletter (PSG Newsletter) 107:20-27
  22. ^ Picker, Griffiths & Weaving (2004) , Field Guide to Insects of South Africa, Struik Publishers, Cape Town 1-444
  23. ^ Brock In Gale Research Staff (2003) Phasmida (Stick and leaf insects) , Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Insects, Gale Group 221-231
  24. ^ Lee, M. (2009) A 2009 update on the UK's Naturalised Stick-insects, The Phasmid Study Group Newsletter (PSG Newsletter) 119(15-20)
  25. ^ Ragge (1973) The British Orthoptera: a supplement, Entomologists Gazette (Entomol. Gaz.) 24:227-245
  26. ^ Ludwar, Westmark, Büschges & Schmidt (2005) Modulation of membrane potential in mesothoracic moto- and interneurons during stick insect front-leg walking, Journal of Neurophysiology Bethesda 94(4):2772-2784
  27. ^ Bucher, Akay, DiCaprio & Büschges (2003) Interjoint coordination in the stick insect leg-control system: The role of positional signaling, Journal of Neurophysiology Bethesda 89(3):1245-1255
  28. ^ Brock (1992) , Rearing and studying stick and leaf insects, The Amateur Entomologists' Society, London 22:1-73
  29. ^ Hooper, Guschlbauer, Uckermann & Büschges (2007) Slow Temporal Filtering May Largely Explain the Transformation of Stick Insect (Carausius morosus) Extensor Motor Neuron Activity Into Muscle Movement, Journal of Neurophysiology Bethesda 98:1718–1732
  30. ^ Mujagic, Krause & Duerr (2007) Slanted joint axes of the stick insect antenna: an adaptation to tactile acuity, Naturwissenschaften 94(4):313-318
  31. ^ La Brijn (2007) Remus en Romulus = “Duplo”, de tweekoppige Carausius morosus (deel 3), Phasma 17(66):8-9
  32. ^ Bonnet, Ducret & Trystram (2007) Protocoles expérimenteaux sur les changements de couleur liés à l'environnement (Insecta: Phasmatodea) [Experimental protocols on the changes of color bound to the environment (Insecta: Phasmatodea), Bulletin d'Arthropoda 30(4):39-47, figs.
  33. ^ Chavignon, Dhondt & Molto (2007[2006]) Lumière sur la dualité activité/inactivité chez le Phasme Carausius morosus (Sinéty, 1901) (Insecta: Phasmatodea), Bulletin d'Arthropoda 29(3):8-17
  34. ^ Ebeling & Duerr (2006) Perturbation of leg protraction causes context-dependent modulation of inter-leg coordination, but not of avoidance reflexes, The Journal of Experimental Biology 209(11):2199-2214
  35. ^ Bueckmann & Maisch (2006) Kunstfutter fuer die Stabheuschrecke Carausius morosus and der Einfluss des Nahrungsangebotes auf Entwicklung and Fertilitaet (Phasmida: Phasmatidae). .An artificial diet for the stick insect Carausius morosus and the influence of the feedingconditions o, Entomologia Generalis 28(4):297-310
  36. ^ Rosano & B. Webb In Nolfi & et al. [Ed.] (2006) The control of turning in real and simulated stick insects , Animals to Animats 9: 9th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2006, Rome, Italy, September 2006, Proceedings. [Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4095], Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 150-161
  37. ^ Schumm & Cruse (2006) Control of swing movement: influences of differently shaped substrate, Journal of Comparative Physiolgy A Sensory Neural and Behavioural Physiology 192(10):1147-1164
  38. ^ Hooper, Guschlbauer, Uckermann & Büschges (2006) Natural neural output that produces highly variable locomotory movements, Journal of Neurophysiology Bethesda 96(4):2072-2088
  39. ^ Drechsler & Federle (2006) Biomechanics of smooth adhesive pads in insects: influence of tarsal secretion on attachment performance, Journal of Comparative Physiolgy A Sensory Neural and Behavioural Physiology 192(11):1213-1222
  40. ^ Ludwar, Goeritz & Schmidt (2005) Intersegmental coordination of walking movements in stick insects, Journal of Neurophysiology Bethesda 93(3):1255-1265
  41. ^ Fausto, Gambellini, Mazzini, Cecchettini & Giorgi (2005) Yolk uptake through the follicle epithelium in the ovary of the stick insect Carausius morosus, Arthropod Structure and Development 34(1):89-95
  42. ^ Jander & Wendler (2005) Optomotor responses and descending visual interneurons in stick insects (Phasmida: Phasmatidae), Entomologia Generalis 27(3-4):239-248
  43. ^ Duerr & Ebeling (2005) The behavioural transition from straight to curve walking: kinetics of leg movement parameters and the initiation of turning, The Journal of Experimental Biology 208(12):2237-2252
  44. ^ Duerr (2005) Context-dependent changes in strength and efficacy of leg coordination mechanisms, The Journal of Experimental Biology 208(12):2253-2267
  45. ^ Ekeberg, Bluemel & Büschges (2004) Dynamic simulation of insect walking, Arthropod Structure and Development 33(3):287-300
  46. ^ Krause & Duerr (2004) Tactile efficiency of insect antennae with two hinge joints, Biological Cybernetics 91(3):168-181
  47. ^ Cruse, Kuehn, S. Park & J. Schmitz (2004) Adaptive control for insect leg position: controller properties depend on substrate compliance, Journal of Comparative Physiology A Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 190(12):983-991
  48. ^ Fausto, Gambellini, Mazzini, Cecchettini, Locci, M (2004) Meccanismi di utilizzazione del vitello in embrioni dell'insetto stecco Carausius morosus (Phasmatodea Lonchodinae) [Mechanisms of yolk utilization in embryos of the stick insect Carausius morosus (Phasmatodea Lonchodinae)] ., Atti. del Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia 19(1):411-417
  49. ^ Cecchettini, Locci, Masetti, Fausto, Gambellini, M (2003) Vitellin cleavage products are proteolytically degraded by ubiquitination in stick insect embryos, Micronesica 34(1):39-48
  50. ^ Baessler, Sauer & Büschges (2003) Vibration signals from the FT joint can induce phase transitions in both directions in motoneuron pools of the stick insect walking system, Journal of Neurobiology 56(2):125-138
  51. ^ Urbach & Technau (2003) Early steps in building the insect brain: neuroblast formation and segmental patterning in the developing brain of different insect species, Arthropod Structure and Development 32(1):103-123
  52. ^ Meyer-Rochow & Keskinen (2003) Post-embryonic photoreceptor development and dark/light adaptation in the stick insect Carausius morosus (Phasmida, Phasmatidae)., Applied Entomology and Zoology 38(3):281-291
  53. ^ Monteforti, Angeli, Petacchi & Minnocci (2002) Ultrastructural characterization of antennal sensilla and immunocytochemical localization of a chemosensory protein in Carausius morosus Brunner (Phasmida: Phasmatidae), Arthropod Structure and Development 30(3):195-205
  54. ^ Cecchettini, Scarcelli, Locci, Masetti & Giorgi (2002) Vitellin polypeptide pathways in late insect yolk sacs, Arthropod Structure and Development 30(3):243-250
  55. ^ Diederich, Schumm & Cruse (2002) Stick Insects Walking Along Inclined Surfaces, Integrative and Comparative Biology (Int. and Comp Biol) 42:165-173
  56. ^ Brock (1999) New records of alien stick-insects, Phasmid Studies 7(2):39-40
  57. ^ Deschandol (1985) , The Phasmid Study Group Newsletter (PSG Newsletter) 25
  58. ^ Schindler (1981) Untersuchungen zur regeneration bei der indischen Stabheuschrecke Carausius morosus Br. (Insecta: Phasmida), Braunschw. Naturk. Schr. 1(2):249-253
  59. ^ Larink (1978) Die Eischalen-Struktur der Stabheuschrecke Carausius morosus (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae), Ent. Germ. 4(2):133-139
  60. ^ Clark (1977) A male of the stick insect Carausius morosus Sinéty (Phasmidae, Phasmatidae), Entomologist’s monthly Magazine 112:139-143
  61. ^ Seiler, J.P. (1974) Une brinille qui marche: Le Dixippe morose, Sciences Nat.(June 1974):2-4
  62. ^ Beadle (1972) Structural differentiation in the mid-gut epithelium of the phasmid Carausius morosus Brunner, Journal of Entomology (A) (J. Ent. (A)) 47(1):71-83, 14 figs.
  63. ^ Bauchhenss (1971) , Carausius morosus Br. Stabheuschrecke., Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart 1-53, 40 figs
  64. ^ Pijnacker (1968) A remarkable teratological specimen of the Indian stick insect Carausius morosus Br. (Phasmidae, Orthoptera), Entomologische Berichten (Ent. Berichten) 28:149-151
  65. ^ Sire (1967) Ordre des Phasmoptères, Les Élevages des Petits Animaux leurs enseignements, Paul Lechevalier, Paris 215-238
  66. ^ Pijnacker (1967) Abnormal segmentation in the stick insect Carausius morosus Br., Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschappen C70(5):545-555
  67. ^ Bart (1966) Transformation expérimentale du trochanter en fémur chez Carausius morosus Br, Compte Rendu Académie des Sciences, Paris 262:2163-2165
  68. ^ Bart (1965) Sur l'origine des formations surnuméraires au cours de la régénération des pattes chez Carausius morosus Br, Compte Rendu Académie des Sciences, Paris 261:1901-1903
  69. ^ Bart (1965) Induction expérementale d'une morphogenèse accompagnant ou non la régénération de la patte de Carausius morosus Br, Compte Rendu Académie des Sciences, Paris 261:5619-5622, pl. 1
  70. ^ Bergerard (1962) Parthenogenesis in the Phasmidae, Endeavour 21:137-143
  71. ^ Urvoy (1958) Ontogenèse de l'organe de Johnston chez les Phasmides, Ann. Des. Sc. Nat. Zool. 11:183-195
  72. ^ Basden (1955) Egg-laying of the stick insect (Carausius morosus Brunner) (Orthop., Phasmidae), Entomologist's Monthly Magazine (Ent. mon. Mag.) 61:201-202
  73. ^ Linck (1944) , Mitteilungen der schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 19
  74. ^ Hewlett (1940) , Entomologist 73
  75. ^ Leuzinger (1925) , Zurkennrtnis der Anatomie und Ent. von Carausius morosus
  76. ^ Talbot (1920) A contribution to our knowledge of the Life-history of the Stick Insect, Carausius morosus Br., Transactions of the Entomological Society, London(July):285-304
  77. ^ Roth (1916) , Transactions of the Entomological Society, London 1916
  78. ^ Schmit-Jensen (1914) Homoetic regeneration of the antennae in a phasmid or walking-stick, Annual Report Smithsonian Institute, Washington 523-536, figs.
  79. ^ Rodman (1910) Stick insects, Country Life July 23, 1910
  80. ^ Mazzini & Scali (1980) Ultrastructure and amino-acid analysis of the eggs of the stick insects, Lonchodes pterodactylus GRAY and Carausius morosus BR. (Phasmatodea: Heteronemiidae), International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology
  81. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (26 januari 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/carausius+morosus/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  82. ^ PhasmidaSF: Phasmida Species File . Brock P., 2010-04-14

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