OBS: Efter du har publicerat sidan kan du behöva tömma din webbläsares cache för att se ändringarna.
- Firefox / Safari: Håll ned Skift och klicka på Uppdatera sidan eller tryck Ctrl-F5 eller Ctrl-R (⌘-R på Mac)
- Google Chrome: Tryck Ctrl-Skift-R (⌘-Skift-R på Mac)
- Edge Håll ned Ctrl och klicka på Uppdatera eller tryck Ctrl-F5.
- Opera: Tryck Ctrl-F5.
$( function() {
'use strict';
var v = mw.config.get();
var pagetitle = v.wgPageName.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
var enc = mw.util.wikiUrlencode;
var esc = mw.html.escape;
var tagName = 'reportproblem';
var javascripterrors = [];
window.onerror = function( msg ) {
javascripterrors.push( msg );
var articlepage = 'Wikipedia:Anmäl ett fel';
var technicalpage = 'Wikipedia:Wikipediafrågor';
var buttontext = 'Report a problem';
var buttontooltip = 'Report a factual error or a technical error';
var typeofproblem = 'What type of problem would you like to report?';
var articletext = 'Factual error or problem in article';
var technicaltext = 'Bug or technical problem';
var closetext = 'Close';
var closetitle = 'Close the dialog window';
var reportarticleproblem = 'Report a problem in an article';
var articlelabel = 'Describe the problem in this article as closely as possible';
var technicallabel = 'Describe the technical problem as closely as possible';
var technicalbrowserlabel = 'What web browser are you using?';
var submitbuttontext = 'Submit';
var warning = 'The error report is public and any reply from volunteers will be posted on this web site (' + v.wgServerName + '). Do not include your name or e-mail address.';
var ipwarning = 'Because you are not logged in, your IP address will be used in place of a user name.';
var errorreportsentto = 'Error report sent to ';
var emptydescription = 'The report is missing a description of the problem';
var technicalwarning = 'By submitting a technical error report, you agree to publicizing skin, action, namespace as well as any special page and JavaScript errors.';
var emptydescriptionorbrowser = 'The report needs to contain information about which web browser you are using, as well as a description of the problem';
var skinheading = 'Skin: ';
var actionheading = 'Action: ';
var namespaceheading = 'Namespace: ';
var specialpageheading = 'Special page: ';
var javascripterrorheading = 'JavaScript error: ';
var technicalproblemheading = 'Technical problem ';
var browserheading = 'Browser: ';
var descriptionheading = 'Description: ';
var tagsobj = {
action: 'query',
list: 'tags',
tglimit: 'max',
tgprop: [
formatversion: 2
function hasTag( tagobj ) {
return === tagName && tagobj.defined && && tagobj.source.includes( 'manual' );
function incompletearticlereport() {
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer' ).addClass( 'gadget-reportproblem-fail' ).append( emptydescription );
function incompletetechnicalreport() {
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer' ).addClass( 'gadget-reportproblem-fail' ).append( emptydescriptionorbrowser );
if ( String.prototype.endsWith && Array.prototype.includes ) {
if ( v.wgUserLanguage === 'sv' ) {
buttontext = 'Rapportera problem';
buttontooltip = 'Rapportera ett faktafel eller tekniskt fel';
typeofproblem = 'Vilken typ av problem vill du rapportera?';
articletext = 'Faktafel eller problem i artikel';
technicaltext = 'Bugg eller tekniskt problem';
closetext = 'Stäng';
closetitle = 'Stäng dialogrutan';
reportarticleproblem = 'Rapportera problem i artikel';
articlelabel = 'Beskriv problemet i den här artikeln så noggrant du kan';
technicallabel = 'Beskriv det tekniska problemet så noggrant du kan';
technicalbrowserlabel = 'Vilken webbläsare använder du?';
submitbuttontext = 'Skicka in';
warning = 'Felrapporten är offentlig och eventuellt svar från frivilliga bidragsgivare kommer att ske på den här webbplatsen (' + v.wgServerName + '). Inkludera inte ditt namn eller din e-postadress.';
ipwarning = 'Eftersom du inte är inloggad kommer din IP-adress användas i stället för ett användarnamn.';
errorreportsentto = 'Felrapport skickad till ';
emptydescription = 'Rapporten saknar en beskrivning av problemet';
technicalwarning = 'Genom att skicka in en teknisk felrapport godkänner du att skin, handling, namnrymd samt eventuell specialsida och JavaScript-fel offentliggörs.';
emptydescriptionorbrowser = 'Rapporten måste innehålla information om vilken webbläsare du använder, samt en beskrivning av problemet';
if ( v.wgContentLanguage === 'sv' ) {
skinheading = 'Skin: ';
actionheading = 'Handling: ';
namespaceheading = 'Namnrymd: ';
specialpageheading = 'Specialsida: ';
javascripterrorheading = 'JavaScript-fel: ';
technicalproblemheading = 'Tekniskt problem ';
browserheading = 'Webbläsare: ';
descriptionheading = 'Beskrivning: ';
$( '#gadget-reportproblem' ).find( 'a' ).click( function( e ) {
var dialog;
// Creating and opening a simple dialog window.
// Subclass Dialog class. Note that the OOjs inheritClass() method extends the parent constructor's prototype and static methods and properties to the child constructor.
function MyDialog( config ) { this, config );
if ( $( '.oo-ui-window-active' ).length === 0 ) {
OO.inheritClass( MyDialog, OO.ui.Dialog );
// Specify a title statically (or, alternatively, with data passed to the opening() method). = 'gadgetreportproblemdialog';
MyDialog.static.title = 'Simple dialog';
// Customize the initialize() function: This is where to add content to the dialog body and set up event handlers.
MyDialog.prototype.initialize = function () {
var str = '<div id="gadget-reportproblem-dialog">';
str += '<p id="gadget-reportproblem-typeofproblem">' + typeofproblem + '</p>';
if ( v.wgNamespaceNumber === 0 ) {
str += '<button id="gadget-reportproblem-article">' + articletext + '</button>';
str += '<button id="gadget-reportproblem-technical">' + technicaltext + '</button>';
str += '<button id="gadget-reportproblem-close" title="' + closetitle + '">' + closetext + '</button>';
str += '</div>';
// Call the parent method this );
// Create and append a layout and some content.
this.content = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( { padded: true, expanded: false } );
this.content.$element.append( str );
this.$body.append( this.content.$element );
dialog = $( '#gadget-reportproblem-dialog' );
// Use the getTeardownProcess() method to perform actions whenever the dialog is closed.
// This method provides access to data passed into the window's close() method
// or the window manager's closeWindow() method.
MyDialog.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function ( data ) {
return this, data )
.first( function () {
// Perform any cleanup as needed
$( '.oo-ui-windowManager' ).remove();
}, this );
// Make the window.
var myDialog = new MyDialog();
// Create and append a window manager, which will open and close the window.
var windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
$( 'body' ).append( windowManager.$element );
// Add the window to the window manager using the addWindows() method.
windowManager.addWindows( [ myDialog ] );
// Open the window!
windowManager.openWindow( myDialog );
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-article' ).click( function() {
'<h2>' + pagetitle + '</h2>' +
'<p><label id="gadget-reportproblem-article-label" for="gadget-reportproblem-article-textarea">' + articlelabel + '</label></p>' +
'<textarea id="gadget-reportproblem-article-textarea"></textarea>' +
'<p id="gadget-reportproblem-warning">' + warning + '</p>'
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-article-textarea' ).focus();
if ( v.wgUserName === null ) {
'<p id="gadget-reportproblem-ipwarning">' + ipwarning + '</p>'
'<p id="gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer"></p>' +
'<button id="gadget-reportproblem-article-submit">' + submitbuttontext + '</button>' +
'<button id="gadget-reportproblem-close" title="' + closetitle + '">' + closetext + '</button>'
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-article-submit' ).click( function( ev ) {
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer' ).empty().removeClass();
var userinput = $( '#gadget-reportproblem-article-textarea' ).val();
var editobj = {
action: 'edit',
title: articlepage,
section: 'new',
sectiontitle: '[[' + pagetitle + ']]',
formatversion: 2
function edit() {
( new mw.Api() ).postWithToken( 'csrf', editobj ).done( function( result, jqXHR ) {
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer' ).addClass( 'gadget-reportproblem-success' ).append( errorreportsentto + '<a href="' + v.wgServer + '/wiki/' + esc( enc( articlepage ) ) + '">' + articlepage + '</a>' );
$( ev.currentTarget ).prop( 'disabled', true );
} ).fail( function( code, editres ) {
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer' ).addClass( 'gadget-reportproblem-fail' ).append( code );
} );
if ( userinput ) {
userinput = userinput.trim();
if ( userinput ) {
if ( !userinput.endsWith( '~~~~' ) ) {
userinput += ' ~~~~';
editobj.appendtext = userinput;
( new mw.Api() ).get( tagsobj ).done( function( tagsres ) {
var query = tagsres.query;
var tags;
if ( query ) {
tags = query.tags;
if ( tags && Array.isArray( tags ) ) {
if ( tags.some( hasTag ) ) {
editobj.tags = tagName;
} ).fail( function() {
} );
} else {
} else {
} );
} );
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-technical' ).click( function() {
'<p><label id="gadget-reportproblem-technical-browser-label" for="gadget-reportproblem-technical-input">' + technicalbrowserlabel + '</label></p>' +
'<input id="gadget-reportproblem-technical-input" list="gadget-reportproblem-datalist">' +
'<datalist id="gadget-reportproblem-datalist"><option value="Chrome"><option value="Edge"><option value="Firefox"><option value="Opera"><option value="Safari"></datalist>' +
'<p><label id="gadget-reportproblem-technical-label" for="gadget-reportproblem-technical-textarea">' + technicallabel + '</label></p>' +
'<textarea id="gadget-reportproblem-technical-textarea"></textarea>' +
'<p id="gadget-reportproblem-warning">' + warning + '</p>' +
'<p id="gadget-reportproblem-technicalwarning">' + technicalwarning + '</p>'
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-technical-input' ).focus();
if ( v.wgUserName === null ) {
'<p id="gadget-reportproblem-ipwarning">' + ipwarning + '</p>'
'<p id="gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer"></p>' +
'<button id="gadget-reportproblem-technical-submit">' + submitbuttontext + '</button>' +
'<button id="gadget-reportproblem-close" title="' + closetitle + '">' + closetext + '</button>'
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-technical-submit' ).click( function( ev ) {
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer' ).empty().removeClass();
var reporttext = skinheading + + '\n\n' + actionheading + v.wgAction + '\n\n' + namespaceheading + v.wgNamespaceNumber;
if ( v.wgNamespaceNumber === -1 ) {
reporttext += '\n\n' + specialpageheading + v.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName;
javascripterrors.forEach( function( msg ) {
reporttext += '\n\n' + javascripterrorheading + msg;
} );
var userinputbrowser = $( '#gadget-reportproblem-technical-input' ).val();
var userinputdescription = $( '#gadget-reportproblem-technical-textarea' ).val();
var editobj = {
action: 'edit',
title: technicalpage,
section: 'new',
sectiontitle: technicalproblemheading,
formatversion: 2
function edit() {
( new mw.Api() ).postWithToken( 'csrf', editobj ).done( function( result, jqXHR ) {
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer' ).addClass( 'gadget-reportproblem-success' ).append( errorreportsentto + '<a href="' + v.wgServer + '/wiki/' + esc( enc( technicalpage ) ) + '">' + technicalpage + '</a>' );
$( ev.currentTarget ).prop( 'disabled', true );
} ).fail( function( code, editres ) {
$( '#gadget-reportproblem-statuscontainer' ).addClass( 'gadget-reportproblem-fail' ).append( code );
} );
function getTime() {
( new mw.Api() ).get( {
action: 'parse',
text: '{{#timel:Y-m-d H:i}}',
prop: [
contentmodel: 'wikitext',
formatversion: 2
} ).done( function( parsedata ) {
if (
parsedata &&
parsedata.parse &&
parsedata.parse.text &&
$( parsedata.parse.text ).find( 'p' ).text().trim()
) {
editobj.sectiontitle += $( parsedata.parse.text ).find( 'p' ).text().trim();
} ).fail( function( code, parseres ) {
editobj.sectiontitle += '{{subst:#timel:Y-m-d H:i}}';
} );
if ( userinputbrowser && userinputdescription ) {
userinputbrowser = userinputbrowser.trim();
userinputdescription = userinputdescription.trim();
if ( userinputbrowser && userinputdescription ) {
reporttext += '\n\n' + browserheading + userinputbrowser;
if ( !userinputdescription.endsWith( '~~~~' ) ) {
userinputdescription += ' ~~~~';
reporttext += '\n\n' + descriptionheading + userinputdescription;
editobj.appendtext = reporttext;
( new mw.Api() ).get( tagsobj ).done( function( tagsres ) {
var query = tagsres.query;
var tags;
if ( query ) {
tags = query.tags;
if ( tags && Array.isArray( tags ) ) {
if ( tags.some( hasTag ) ) {
editobj.tags = tagName;
} ).fail( function() {
} );
} else {
} else {
} );
} );
dialog.on( 'click', '#gadget-reportproblem-close', function() {
} );
} );
} );