Studio portrait of Tony Leon, leader of the Democratic Alliance. As of 2005, they are still the official opposition party in the South African Government. Used with their permission:
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Subject: RE: Public domain studio portraits / biography
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Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 15:34:39 +0200
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Thread-Topic: Public domain studio portraits / biography
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From: "Niki McQueen"
To: "Dewet"
Status: R
X-Status: NT
I have several pics of caucus members - if you need specific people,
please let me know.
Best regards
Niki McQueen
DA Internal Communications
Website Administrator
PH: 021 403 2171
FAX: 021 465 7732
CELL: 072 141 7007
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And, if necessary, get treatment.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dewet
Sent: 02 March 2005 09:34 AM
To: Info
Subject: Public domain studio portraits / biography
I am a contributor to Wikipedia, the largest online free encyclopedia
(see ), and I'm in the process of updating articles
relating to South African politics and government.
I am searching for public domain (or similarly freely licenced) images and
text that I can re-use, specifically studio portraits and biographies. This
licensing is a legal requirement that all contributions to Wikipedia is
governed by.
You can see the current articles relating to the DA and Tony Leon at:
I hope you can assist me.
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