From a find of this spring, this is an unusual yellow-green titanite that changes the yellow/green balance of its hue depending on lighting and in any case is more yellow than traditional Brazilian sphenes have been. The major faces are clean though chlorite is ingrown into the twinning planes as is the case on most other Brazilian sphenes from previous finds. My understanding is that this small pocket yielded under a dozen really good specimens. This particular specimen is very large and impressive visually, and features a perfect, 2.5-inch (6.5 cm) twinned crystal perched vertically on the matrix, intersecting near its base at a 60-degree angle with another twinned crystal. This is the only specimen in the lot with true matrix, that I know of, and it displays stunningly. The crystal is exceptionally gemmy, as well, and because of this it has a unique color and look to it VERY distinct from any sphene I have ever seen before. Please note that although the piece has not been repaired, the major crystal was a bit wiggly in its socket joining to the crystal beneath it, and I have stabilized it after trimming with 4 drops of super glue that cannot be seen. Still, I need to disclose it and have adjusted the price slightly down from $3000 because of it, though it is no less a fine specimen! 8.5 x 7.5 x 5 cm
Erkännande: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0
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