Eesti: Tavaline lestik (Chydorus sphaericus) pildistatud mikroskoobi all kasutades 10x objektiivi. Isend on kogutud 2022. aasta märtsis Eestis Rakvere linnas asuvast tiigist. See on üks levinumaid põhjalähedase eluviisiga vesikirbuliike Holarktilistel aladel. Pildil on näha liigile iseloomulik sfääriline kehakuju ning läbikumav kest, mille kaudu on näha kollakat kehasisemust. Kuigi seda on varem peetud kosmopoliitseks liigiks, on tänapäeval teada, et tegu on hoopis liigikompleksiga, mis koosneb mitmest raskesti eristatavast vormist.
Pilt on tehtud musta tausta peal, mis toob esile looma poolläbipaistva kehapinna tekstuuri. Valgustamisel on kasutatud peegelduvat valgust fotograafia välklambilt (speedlight), mis rõhutab eriti hästi isendi välispinna struktuure ja mustrit. Pilt on tehtud kasutades fookuse virnastamise tehnikat (focus stacking), mis tagab suure teravussügavuse.
English: A spherical water flea (Chydorus sphaericus) photographed under a microscope using a 10x objective. The specimen was collected in March 2022 from a pond in the city of Rakvere, Estonia. This is one of the most common benthic water flea species in the Holarctic region. The image shows the species' characteristic spherical body shape and transparent carapace through which the yellowish body interior is visible. While previously considered a cosmopolitan species, it is now known to be a species complex consisting of several cryptic forms.
The specimen was photographed against a black background, which excellently highlights the texture of the semi-transparent body surface. The lighting technique used was reflected light from a photographic speedlight flash, which particularly emphasizes the surface structures and patterns. The image was created using focus stacking technique, which ensures great depth of field throughout the subject.
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