The reproduction of this architectural work is covered under Article 58 of Taiwan's "Copyright Act" (1992-2016-present), which allows the exploitation of architectural works in a public place. The author of the said architectural work, if known, must be attributed, in accordance with Article 64.
Taiwanese freedom of panorama also covers the use of artistic works found "on streets, in parks, on outside walls of buildings, or other outdoor locales open to the public" on a long-term basis, but this privilege no longer applies if the copies of the said works (including photographs of those) are made to be sold (that is, commercial use). Because of this non-commercial restriction, photographs of copyrighted monuments and murals from Taiwan are not allowed on Wikimedia Commons.
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att remixa – att skapa bearbetningar
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erkännande – Du måste ge lämpligt erkännande, ange en länk till licensen och indikera om ändringar har gjorts. Du får göra det på ett lämpligt sätt, men inte på ett sätt som antyder att licensgivaren stödjer dig eller din användning.
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