English: Cover of Spring 1957 issue of Space Science Fiction Magazine. Artist is Tom Ryan. Copyright was either Ryan, or more likely Republic Features Syndicate, Inc., who published the magazine.
Since this magazine was first published in the U.S. before 1964, the original copyright lasted 27 years from the end of the year of first publication. The copyright holder was free to renew the copyright any time during the year 1985, but they did not do so. (All copyright renewals since 1977 are on file at the U.S. Copyright Office, and can be searched online here. The copyright on one story was renewed, but the copyright on the cover was not.)
The copyright has expired.
Français : Couverture du numéro du printemps 1957 de Space Science Fiction Magazine dessinée par Tom Ryan. Le copyright appartient soit à Tom Ryan, soit, plus probablement, à Republic Features Syndicate, Inc., l'entreprise qui a publié le magazine.
Comme ce magazine a été publié aux USA avant 1964, le copyright original a duré 27 ans depuis la fin de l'année de publication. Le détenteur du copyright était libre de le renouveler à tout moment en 1985, mais il ne l'a pas fait. (Tous les renouvellements de copyright depuis 1977 sont disponibles dans les fichiers de l'U.S. Copyright Office et peuvent être trouvés ici. Le copyright d'une histoire a été renouvelé, mais pas celui de la couverture.)
Note that it may still be copyrighted in jurisdictions that do not apply the rule of the shorter term for US works (depending on the date of the author's death), such as Canada (70 years p.m.a.), Mainland China (50 years p.m.a., not Hong Kong or Macao), Germany (70 years p.m.a.), Mexico (100 years p.m.a.), Switzerland (70 years p.m.a.), and other countries with individual treaties.
Den ursprungliga beskrivningssidan fanns här. Alla följande användarnamn finns på en.wikipedia.
2007-01-03 18:35 Mike Christie 513×724×??? (99855 bytes) Cover of Spring 1957 issue of Space Science Fiction Magazine. Artist is Tom Ryan. Copyright is either Ryan, or more likely Republic Features Syndicate, Inc., who published the magazine. ===Rationale of fair use === {{fairusenoalternative}} The [[Space
{{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia}} {{Information |Description={{en|Cover of Spring 1957 issue of Space Science Fiction Magazine. Artist is Tom Ryan. Copyright was either Ryan, or more likely Republic Features Syndicate, Inc., who published the magazine.
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