This diagram illustrates the Rational Unified Process lifecycle.
This diagram illustrates the Rational Unified Process lifecycle.
This image was created by me, Giles Lewis, using Microsoft Visio on 21 January 2006.
Rational Unified Process and RUP are trademarks of Rational Software Corporation, a wholy owned subsidiary of IBM Corp. From this I infer that IBM owns a trademark on the name "Rational" and the name "RUP", but it does not own a patent on the process itself.
In addition, IBM has a copyright on a diagram known as the "RUP Lifecycle Diagram", which is commonly seen in RUP documentation. However, I have seen many other versions of the "hump" diagram in references from other publishers, so I believe the concept of a "hump" diagram to be in the public domain.
Therefore I believe that it is not a copyright violation to create a new "hump" diagram from scratch and to use the names of the nine RUP disciplines for the vertical axis.
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