BeskrivningPaeonia ludlowii flower base bracts sepals.jpg
English: A single flower of Paeonia ludlowii viewed from beneath to reveal the structures comprising the underside: pedicel, above which lance-shaped bracts, above which bowl-shaped sepals with long ‘tails’, above which lemon-yellow petals. A little hard here to distinguish bracts from sepals, but there appear to be five bracts and three sepals. The two lowest bracts are more linear in shape than the upper three. Also, the upper three have a surface wartier than those of the lower two, this being particularly noticeable in the bract at the top of the image.
Flower borne by one of a pair of mature specimens of this beautiful, Tibetan tree peony growing in a walled garden in Berrington, North Northumberland, U.K.
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