The New York, Susquehanna and Western was one of four major railroads hauling anthracite coal from the Northern coalfield of Pennsylvania to the tidewater at New York City. The others were the Erie, the Central Railroad of New Jersey, and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
Although the Lehigh Valley Railroad was a major anthracite coal railroad to the New York harbor, it primarily delivered coal from the Middle coalfield. Its route through the Scranton region was primarily for delivering freight into the Finger Lakes and Buffalo region. Likewise, the Reading railroad primarily delivered coal from the Southern coalfield. The Pennsylvania railroad was a less significant coal railroad, but its circuitous route to the New York harbor never favored it for coal.
The Delaware and Hudson was another competitor for coal from the Northern coalfield, but it had no direct route to tidewater.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Map of the historical NYSW railroad through New Jersey and Pennsylvania.}} |Source=Own work by uploader |Author=JimIrwin |Date=2009-09-27 |Permission= |other_versions= }}