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Fil:Mahfiruz Hatice Sultan.png

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Mahfiruz_Hatice_Sultan.png (423 × 420 pixlar, filstorlek: 379 kbyte, MIME-typ: image/png)


English: "The enthronement of Sultan Osman II (r.1618-22), by a European artist travelling with the Austrian Ambassador Baron Mollard. The enthroned Osman II is presented facing his mother, Mahfiruz Sultan, the head of the Imperial Harem. She is wearing a gold crown and is surrounded by her maids of honour. The birth of Sultan Osman II marked the moment in which her husband, Sultan Ahmed I, became the youngest Ottoman Sultan to ever become a father. Upon Osman’s enthronement in 1618, she left the old palace (Eski Saray) in the Bayezid district and moved to the Imperial Harem in the Topkapi Palace.

The iconic Ayasofya Mosque portrayed in the background frames the scene and sets the importance of the moment, as do the figures of the müezzins on the minarets who appear to be announcing the call to prayer (ezan). The grand mufti (şeyhülislam) Hoca Ömer Efendi, Osman II’s tutor (hace-i sultani), is situated directly in front of the Imperial Mosque; presenting the holy Qur’an towards the audience and blessing the young ruler. The grand mufti was one of the leading political figures behind the dethronement of the previous Sultan, Mustafa I (r.1617-18 and 1622-23), paving the way for Osman II’s ascension to the throne. The musicians and dervishes surrounding Hoca Ömer Efendi were most probably from the mevlevi dervish lodge, and appear to be performing a Sufi ritual (mevlevi ayini) in order to obtain a divine blessing for the recently enthroned Sultan. The chief-black-eunuch of the Imperial Harem (kızlar ağası), Süleyman Ağa, is depicted beside the Sultan as his duty was to accompany the prince to the throne and supervise the ceremony. The sword-bearer (silahdar ağa) is positioned behind him, holding a bejewelled box which was to be presented as an imperial gift to the Sultan. The sword-bearer’s responsibility was to escort the prince from his private chamber in the Topkapi Palace to the throne. Wearing a red kaftan behind him is the solak (imperial guard), guarding the enthroned monarch. In front of the Emperor’s mother appears the grand-vizier, Sofu Mehmed Pasha (d.1649), holding a mace.

The Austrian ambassador, Baron Hans Mollard von Reinek, is painted in distinctly European attire with a large feathered hat. Below the enthronement scene are the various members of the public and imperial chancery who have gathered in order to take part in the ceremony".
Källa alaintruong.com
Skapare OkändUnknown author
Andra versioner https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sultan_Osman_II_Cülus.jpg


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nuvarande7 juni 2018 kl. 01.14Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 7 juni 2018 kl. 01.14423 × 420 (379 kbyte)Floppy 2{{Information |description ={{en|1="The enthronement of Sultan Osman II (r.1618-22), by a European artist travelling with the Austrian Ambassador Baron Mollard. he enthroned Osman II is presented facing his mother, Mahfiruz Sultan, the head of the Imperial Harem. She is wearing a gold crown and is surrounded by her maids of honour. The birth of Sultan Osman II marked the moment in which her husband, Sultan Ahmed I, became the youngest Ottoman Sultan to ever become a father. Upon Osman’s ent...

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