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Fil:Geoffrey Miller and Diana Fleischman on Rebel Wisdom.jpg

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English: The Polyamorous Professors, Diana Fleischman & Geoffrey Miller

The first exclusive joint interview with perhaps the most high profile polyamorous couple in academia.

Diana Fleischman and Geoffrey Miller are both evolutionary psychologists, they make the case for why they believe it might be a new relationship model fit for the 21st century.
Källa The Polyamorous Professors, Diana Fleischman & Geoffrey Miller at 0:14, cropped, brightened
Skapare Rebel Wisdom


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nuvarande13 januari 2022 kl. 16.39Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 13 januari 2022 kl. 16.391 885 × 1 183 (1,08 Mbyte)GRuban{{Information |description={{en|1=The Polyamorous Professors, Diana Fleischman & Geoffrey Miller The first exclusive joint interview with perhaps the most high profile polyamorous couple in academia. Diana Fleischman and Geoffrey Miller are both evolutionary psychologists, they make the case for why they believe it might be a new relationship model fit for the 21st century.}} |date=2019-04-07 |source=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRC6JYSbgsE The Polyamorous Professors, Diana Fleischman &...

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