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Illustration for the genus Clitonyx (modern-day Mohoua). In A classified list of Mr. S. William Silver's collection of New-Zealand birds (at the Manor-House, LetcombRegis), with short descriptive notes
Buller, Walter Lawry Sir 1838-1906
Illustration for the genus Clitonyx (modern-day Mohoua). In A classified list of Mr. S. William Silver's collection of New-Zealand birds (at the Manor-House, LetcombRegis), with short descriptive notes
London E.A. Petherick

96 p. 25 cm

Subjects: Birds--New Zealand--Catalogues and collections (General Subject); Silver, Stephen William, 1819-1905  (General Subject)
Språk engelska
Utgivningsdatum 1888
publication_date QS:P577,+1888-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
IA Collections: biodiversity
Internet Archive identifier: classifiedlistm00bull
image extraction process
Denna fil har extraherats från en annan fil
: A classified list of Mr. S. William Silver's collection of New-Zealand birds (at the Manor-House, LetcombRegis), with short descriptive notes (IA classifiedlistm00bull).pdf
original file


This file comes from the Biodiversity Heritage Library.

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Detta verk är public domain i Förenta staterna eftersom det publicerades före den 1 januari 1930.

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nuvarande3 november 2022 kl. 23.15Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 3 november 2022 kl. 23.152 166 × 1 582 (283 kbyte)ProsperosityFile:A classified list of Mr. S. William Silver's collection of New-Zealand birds (at the Manor-House, LetcombRegis), with short descriptive notes (IA classifiedlistm00bull).pdf cropped 45 % horizontally, 75 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.

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