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Fil:Fried Egg Nebula.jpg

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Originalfil (1 280 × 1 280 pixlar, filstorlek: 102 kbyte, MIME-typ: image/jpeg)


English: This picture of the nebula around a rare yellow hypergiant star called IRAS 17163-3907 is the best ever taken of a star in this class and shows for the first time a huge dusty double shell surrounding the central hypergiant. The star and its shells resemble an egg white around a yolky centre, leading astronomers to nickname the object the Fried Egg Nebula.
Källa http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1136a/
Skapare ESO/E. Lagadec


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Erkännande: ESO/E. Lagadec
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nuvarande28 september 2011 kl. 13.18Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 28 september 2011 kl. 13.181 280 × 1 280 (102 kbyte)Jmencisom

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