I spotted this tiny toadlet while walking through the backwoods on post (Fort Meade, Maryland, USA). Almost stepped on the little bugger, he was only about an inch long. He's a young Fowler's toad, Bufo fowleri.
These toads are often confused with American toads, which have only 1-2 "warts" in their black spots. Fowler's toads will have 3 or more in the larger black spots. American toads also tend to have a speckled belly, while Fowler's are almost always completely blank.
This toad may be known as Anaxyrus fowleri in the future. Currently Anaxyrus is a subgenus of Bufo that contains many North American species. However, many recognize it as its own genus (Frost et al.) and the idea is apparently becoming more widely accepted.
However, this reminds me of the proposed revision of North American members of the frog genus Rana, and their new genus Lithobates (which was shot down, by the way). Currently the official genus for this toad is still Bufo.
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{{Information |Description=I spotted this tiny toadlet while walking through the backwoods on post. Almost stepped on the little bugger, he was only about an inch long. He's a young Fowler's toad, ''Bufo fowleri''. These toads are often confused wit
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