The cryobot is a surface-controlled, nonrecoverable instrumented vehicle that can penetrate polar ice sheets down to 3600 meters by melting. It can be used to measure temperature, stress, ice movement, and seismic, acoustic and dielectric properties. It can also be used for other investigations with remote instrumentation. The probe consists of a hot point for melt penetration, instrumentation for control and measurement functions, two supply conductor coils to link the probe with the surface for transmission of power and measurement signals, and a reservoir section. The probe is filled with a dielectric fluid. Cryobots have been tested in Antarctica as prototypes for a space probe that may someday penetrate the icy surface of Europa, a moon of Jupiter, and explore the liquid water ocean thought to be present below the ice, which may harbor extraterrestrial life
NASA:s webbplats håller ett stort antal bilder från Sovjetunionen/Ryska rymdflygstyrelsen, och andra icke-amerikanska rymdflygstyrelser. Dessa är inte nödvändigtvis allmän egendom.
SOHO (ESA & NASA) antyder att allt material som skapats av sonden är upphovsrättsskyddat och kräver tillstånd för kommersiell icke-pedagogisk användning. [2]
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