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Fil:Crude oil spread.svg

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Originalfil (SVG-fil, standardstorlek: 825 × 300 pixlar, filstorlek: 57 kbyte)

Denna bild förväntas alltid att vara den senaste. Uppdatera den gärna när det behövs.

See code snippet in file description and section “Raw” data for details.


Deutsch: Preisentwicklung der Ölsorten West Texas Intermediate (WTI) und Brent sowie die Entwicklung des Preisunterschiedes („Spread“ = Brent minus WTI) zwischen beiden Sorten, Rohdaten: siehe unten.
English: Price and spread (= Brent minus WTI) histories of the two crude oil types West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent, raw data: see below
Källa Eget arbete
Skapare StefanPohl, updated by Gretarsson
SVG utveckling
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Den här Det chart skapades med Gnuplot
 This plot uses embedded text that can be easily translated using a text editor.

Gnuplot code

# Gnuplot version this code was run upon: 5.2
 set xdata time
 set xrange ["15/05/87":"15/04/22"]
 set format x "%Y"
 set yrange [-20:140]
 set ylabel "U.S. dollar / barrel"
 set border 3 lw 1.5
 set tics nomirror scale 0.5
 set key at "01/01/02",130 box lw 1.5 width 0.5 height 0.5
 set grid
 set terminal svg size 825,300 font "Arial, 14"
 set output "Crude oil spread.svg"
 plot  "WTI_brent_spread.txt" u 1:2 w l lw 2 t "WTI",  "WTI_brent_spread.txt" u 1:3 w l lw 2 t "Brent",  "WTI_brent_spread.txt" u 1:4:(0) w filledcurve t "Spread",  "WTI_brent_spread.txt" u 1:4 w l lc rgb "#56B4E9" lw 2 notitle, 0 lc rgb "#66000000" lw 1.5 notitle


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“Raw” data

Deutsch: Die Rohdaten stammen aus dem „Workbook“ Spot Prices for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products, das von der U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) in Form eines Excel-Sheets unter der Adresse http://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/xls/PET_PRI_SPT_S1_M.xls zum Download angeboten wird (wird auch regelmäßig aktualisiert!). Die Daten entstammen dem Tab Data1 in diesem Sheet. Dieser Tab wurde vereinfacht, um die Spalte Spread (deren Werte berechnet werden müssen) ergänzt und als „tab-delimited“ .txt-Datei separat gespeichert (man beachte, dass die WTI-Daten von Jan 1986 bis Apr 1987 weggelassen sind, weil aus diesem Zeitraum keine Vergleichsdaten für Brent von der EIA vorliegen). Deren Inhalt lautete zum Zeitpunkt des letzten Updates der Datei (Mai 2022) wie folgt:
English: The raw data are from the ‘workbook’ Spot Prices for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and downloaded as Excel sheet under http://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/xls/PET_PRI_SPT_S1_M.xls (regularly updated!). The data are from the tab Data1 in this sheet. This tab was simplified, expanded by the column Spread (whose values have to be calculated), and separately saved as tab-delimited .txt file (note that WTI data of Jan 1986 to Apr 1987 is omitted because Brent data only starts at May 1987). The content of this file is as follows (as of May 2022):

#Date WTI Brent Spread 15/05/87 19.44 18.58 -0.86 15/06/87 20.07 18.86 -1.21 15/07/87 21.34 19.86 -1.48 15/08/87 20.31 18.98 -1.33 15/09/87 19.53 18.31 -1.22 15/10/87 19.86 18.76 -1.1 15/11/87 18.85 17.78 -1.07 15/12/87 17.28 17.05 -0.23 15/01/88 17.13 16.75 -0.38 15/02/88 16.8 15.73 -1.07 15/03/88 16.2 14.73 -1.47 15/04/88 17.86 16.6 -1.26 15/05/88 17.42 16.31 -1.11 15/06/88 16.53 15.54 -0.99 15/07/88 15.5 14.91 -0.59 15/08/88 15.52 14.89 -0.63 15/09/88 14.54 13.18 -1.36 15/10/88 13.77 12.41 -1.36 15/11/88 14.14 13.02 -1.12 15/12/88 16.38 15.31 -1.07 15/01/89 18.02 17.17 -0.85 15/02/89 17.94 16.89 -1.05 15/03/89 19.48 18.7 -0.78 15/04/89 21.07 20.32 -0.75 15/05/89 20.12 18.63 -1.49 15/06/89 20.05 17.67 -2.38 15/07/89 19.78 17.62 -2.16 15/08/89 18.58 16.77 -1.81 15/09/89 19.59 17.77 -1.82 15/10/89 20.1 18.91 -1.19 15/11/89 19.86 18.73 -1.13 15/12/89 21.1 19.84 -1.26 15/01/90 22.86 21.25 -1.61 15/02/90 22.11 19.81 -2.3 15/03/90 20.39 18.39 -2 15/04/90 18.43 16.61 -1.82 15/05/90 18.2 16.35 -1.85 15/06/90 16.7 15.1 -1.6 15/07/90 18.45 17.17 -1.28 15/08/90 27.31 27.17 -0.14 15/09/90 33.51 34.9 1.39 15/10/90 36.04 36.02 -0.02 15/11/90 32.33 33.07 0.74 15/12/90 27.28 28.27 0.99 15/01/91 25.23 23.57 -1.66 15/02/91 20.48 19.54 -0.94 15/03/91 19.9 19.08 -0.82 15/04/91 20.83 19.18 -1.65 15/05/91 21.23 19.19 -2.04 15/06/91 20.19 18.17 -2.02 15/07/91 21.4 19.4 -2 15/08/91 21.69 19.77 -1.92 15/09/91 21.89 20.5 -1.39 15/10/91 23.23 22.21 -1.02 15/11/91 22.46 21.11 -1.35 15/12/91 19.5 18.41 -1.09 15/01/92 18.79 18.16 -0.63 15/02/92 19.01 18.05 -0.96 15/03/92 18.92 17.63 -1.29 15/04/92 20.23 18.92 -1.31 15/05/92 20.98 19.89 -1.09 15/06/92 22.39 21.16 -1.23 15/07/92 21.78 20.24 -1.54 15/08/92 21.34 19.74 -1.6 15/09/92 21.88 20.27 -1.61 15/10/92 21.69 20.26 -1.43 15/11/92 20.34 19.21 -1.13 15/12/92 19.41 18.14 -1.27 15/01/93 19.03 17.39 -1.64 15/02/93 20.09 18.47 -1.62 15/03/93 20.32 18.79 -1.53 15/04/93 20.25 18.67 -1.58 15/05/93 19.95 18.51 -1.44 15/06/93 19.09 17.65 -1.44 15/07/93 17.89 16.78 -1.11 15/08/93 18.01 16.7 -1.31 15/09/93 17.5 16.01 -1.49 15/10/93 18.15 16.61 -1.54 15/11/93 16.61 15.2 -1.41 15/12/93 14.52 13.73 -0.79 15/01/94 15.03 14.29 -0.74 15/02/94 14.78 13.8 -0.98 15/03/94 14.68 13.82 -0.86 15/04/94 16.42 15.23 -1.19 15/05/94 17.89 16.19 -1.7 15/06/94 19.06 16.76 -2.3 15/07/94 19.66 17.6 -2.06 15/08/94 18.38 16.89 -1.49 15/09/94 17.45 15.9 -1.55 15/10/94 17.72 16.49 -1.23 15/11/94 18.07 17.19 -0.88 15/12/94 17.16 15.93 -1.23 15/01/95 18.04 16.55 -1.49 15/02/95 18.57 17.11 -1.46 15/03/95 18.54 17.01 -1.53 15/04/95 19.9 18.65 -1.25 15/05/95 19.74 18.35 -1.39 15/06/95 18.45 17.31 -1.14 15/07/95 17.33 15.85 -1.48 15/08/95 18.02 16.1 -1.92 15/09/95 18.23 16.7 -1.53 15/10/95 17.43 16.11 -1.32 15/11/95 17.99 16.86 -1.13 15/12/95 19.03 17.93 -1.1 15/01/96 18.86 17.85 -1.01 15/02/96 19.09 18 -1.09 15/03/96 21.33 19.85 -1.48 15/04/96 23.5 20.9 -2.6 15/05/96 21.17 19.15 -2.02 15/06/96 20.42 18.46 -1.96 15/07/96 21.3 19.57 -1.73 15/08/96 21.9 20.51 -1.39 15/09/96 23.97 22.63 -1.34 15/10/96 24.88 24.16 -0.72 15/11/96 23.71 22.76 -0.95 15/12/96 25.23 23.78 -1.45 15/01/97 25.13 23.54 -1.59 15/02/97 22.18 20.85 -1.33 15/03/97 20.97 19.13 -1.84 15/04/97 19.7 17.56 -2.14 15/05/97 20.82 19.02 -1.8 15/06/97 19.26 17.58 -1.68 15/07/97 19.66 18.46 -1.2 15/08/97 19.95 18.6 -1.35 15/09/97 19.8 18.46 -1.34 15/10/97 21.33 19.87 -1.46 15/11/97 20.19 19.17 -1.02 15/12/97 18.33 17.18 -1.15 15/01/98 16.72 15.19 -1.53 15/02/98 16.06 14.07 -1.99 15/03/98 15.12 13.1 -2.02 15/04/98 15.35 13.53 -1.82 15/05/98 14.91 14.36 -0.55 15/06/98 13.72 12.21 -1.51 15/07/98 14.17 12.08 -2.09 15/08/98 13.47 11.91 -1.56 15/09/98 15.03 13.34 -1.69 15/10/98 14.46 12.7 -1.76 15/11/98 13 11.04 -1.96 15/12/98 11.35 9.82 -1.53 15/01/99 12.52 11.11 -1.41 15/02/99 12.01 10.27 -1.74 15/03/99 14.68 12.51 -2.17 15/04/99 17.31 15.29 -2.02 15/05/99 17.72 15.23 -2.49 15/06/99 17.92 15.86 -2.06 15/07/99 20.1 19.08 -1.02 15/08/99 21.28 20.22 -1.06 15/09/99 23.8 22.54 -1.26 15/10/99 22.69 22 -0.69 15/11/99 25 24.58 -0.42 15/12/99 26.1 25.47 -0.63 15/01/00 27.26 25.51 -1.75 15/02/00 29.37 27.78 -1.59 15/03/00 29.84 27.49 -2.35 15/04/00 25.72 22.76 -2.96 15/05/00 28.79 27.74 -1.05 15/06/00 31.82 29.8 -2.02 15/07/00 29.7 28.68 -1.02 15/08/00 31.26 30.2 -1.06 15/09/00 33.88 33.14 -0.74 15/10/00 33.11 30.96 -2.15 15/11/00 34.42 32.55 -1.87 15/12/00 28.44 25.66 -2.78 15/01/01 29.59 25.62 -3.97 15/02/01 29.61 27.5 -2.11 15/03/01 27.25 24.5 -2.75 15/04/01 27.49 25.66 -1.83 15/05/01 28.63 28.31 -0.32 15/06/01 27.6 27.85 0.25 15/07/01 26.43 24.61 -1.82 15/08/01 27.37 25.68 -1.69 15/09/01 26.2 25.62 -0.58 15/10/01 22.17 20.54 -1.63 15/11/01 19.64 18.8 -0.84 15/12/01 19.39 18.71 -0.68 15/01/02 19.72 19.42 -0.3 15/02/02 20.72 20.28 -0.44 15/03/02 24.53 23.7 -0.83 15/04/02 26.18 25.73 -0.45 15/05/02 27.04 25.35 -1.69 15/06/02 25.52 24.08 -1.44 15/07/02 26.97 25.74 -1.23 15/08/02 28.39 26.65 -1.74 15/09/02 29.66 28.4 -1.26 15/10/02 28.84 27.54 -1.3 15/11/02 26.35 24.34 -2.01 15/12/02 29.46 28.33 -1.13 15/01/03 32.95 31.18 -1.77 15/02/03 35.83 32.77 -3.06 15/03/03 33.51 30.61 -2.9 15/04/03 28.17 25 -3.17 15/05/03 28.11 25.86 -2.25 15/06/03 30.66 27.65 -3.01 15/07/03 30.76 28.35 -2.41 15/08/03 31.57 29.89 -1.68 15/09/03 28.31 27.11 -1.2 15/10/03 30.34 29.61 -0.73 15/11/03 31.11 28.75 -2.36 15/12/03 32.13 29.81 -2.32 15/01/04 34.31 31.28 -3.03 15/02/04 34.69 30.86 -3.83 15/03/04 36.74 33.63 -3.11 15/04/04 36.75 33.59 -3.16 15/05/04 40.28 37.57 -2.71 15/06/04 38.03 35.18 -2.85 15/07/04 40.78 38.22 -2.56 15/08/04 44.9 42.74 -2.16 15/09/04 45.94 43.2 -2.74 15/10/04 53.28 49.78 -3.5 15/11/04 48.47 43.11 -5.36 15/12/04 43.15 39.6 -3.55 15/01/05 46.84 44.51 -2.33 15/02/05 48.15 45.48 -2.67 15/03/05 54.19 53.1 -1.09 15/04/05 52.98 51.88 -1.1 15/05/05 49.83 48.65 -1.18 15/06/05 56.35 54.35 -2 15/07/05 59 57.52 -1.48 15/08/05 64.99 63.98 -1.01 15/09/05 65.59 62.91 -2.68 15/10/05 62.26 58.54 -3.72 15/11/05 58.32 55.24 -3.08 15/12/05 59.41 56.86 -2.55 15/01/06 65.49 62.99 -2.5 15/02/06 61.63 60.21 -1.42 15/03/06 62.69 62.06 -0.63 15/04/06 69.44 70.26 0.82 15/05/06 70.84 69.78 -1.06 15/06/06 70.95 68.56 -2.39 15/07/06 74.41 73.67 -0.74 15/08/06 73.04 73.23 0.19 15/09/06 63.8 61.96 -1.84 15/10/06 58.89 57.81 -1.08 15/11/06 59.08 58.76 -0.32 15/12/06 61.96 62.47 0.51 15/01/07 54.51 53.68 -0.83 15/02/07 59.28 57.56 -1.72 15/03/07 60.44 62.05 1.61 15/04/07 63.98 67.49 3.51 15/05/07 63.46 67.21 3.75 15/06/07 67.49 71.05 3.56 15/07/07 74.12 76.93 2.81 15/08/07 72.36 70.76 -1.6 15/09/07 79.92 77.17 -2.75 15/10/07 85.8 82.34 -3.46 15/11/07 94.77 92.41 -2.36 15/12/07 91.69 90.93 -0.76 15/01/08 92.97 92.18 -0.79 15/02/08 95.39 94.99 -0.4 15/03/08 105.45 103.64 -1.81 15/04/08 112.58 109.07 -3.51 15/05/08 125.4 122.8 -2.6 15/06/08 133.88 132.32 -1.56 15/07/08 133.37 132.72 -0.65 15/08/08 116.67 113.24 -3.43 15/09/08 104.11 97.23 -6.88 15/10/08 76.61 71.58 -5.03 15/11/08 57.31 52.45 -4.86 15/12/08 41.12 39.95 -1.17 15/01/09 41.71 43.44 1.73 15/02/09 39.09 43.32 4.23 15/03/09 47.94 46.54 -1.4 15/04/09 49.65 50.18 0.53 15/05/09 59.03 57.3 -1.73 15/06/09 69.64 68.61 -1.03 15/07/09 64.15 64.44 0.29 15/08/09 71.05 72.51 1.46 15/09/09 69.41 67.65 -1.76 15/10/09 75.72 72.77 -2.95 15/11/09 77.99 76.66 -1.33 15/12/09 74.47 74.46 -0.01 15/01/10 78.33 76.17 -2.16 15/02/10 76.39 73.75 -2.64 15/03/10 81.2 78.83 -2.37 15/04/10 84.29 84.82 0.53 15/05/10 73.74 75.95 2.21 15/06/10 75.34 74.76 -0.58 15/07/10 76.32 75.58 -0.74 15/08/10 76.6 77.04 0.44 15/09/10 75.24 77.84 2.6 15/10/10 81.89 82.67 0.78 15/11/10 84.25 85.28 1.03 15/12/10 89.15 91.45 2.3 15/01/11 89.17 96.52 7.35 15/02/11 88.58 103.72 15.14 15/03/11 102.86 114.64 11.78 15/04/11 109.53 123.26 13.73 15/05/11 100.9 114.99 14.09 15/06/11 96.26 113.83 17.57 15/07/11 97.3 116.97 19.67 15/08/11 86.33 110.22 23.89 15/09/11 85.52 112.83 27.31 15/10/11 86.32 109.55 23.23 15/11/11 97.16 110.77 13.61 15/12/11 98.56 107.87 9.31 15/01/12 100.27 110.69 10.42 15/02/12 102.2 119.33 17.13 15/03/12 106.16 125.45 19.29 15/04/12 103.32 119.75 16.43 15/05/12 94.66 110.34 15.68 15/06/12 82.3 95.16 12.86 15/07/12 87.9 102.62 14.72 15/08/12 94.13 113.36 19.23 15/09/12 94.51 112.86 18.35 15/10/12 89.49 111.71 22.22 15/11/12 86.53 109.06 22.53 15/12/12 87.86 109.49 21.63 15/01/13 94.76 112.96 18.2 15/02/13 95.31 116.05 20.74 15/03/13 92.94 108.47 15.53 15/04/13 92.02 102.25 10.23 15/05/13 94.51 102.56 8.05 15/06/13 95.77 102.92 7.15 15/07/13 104.67 107.93 3.26 15/08/13 106.57 111.28 4.71 15/09/13 106.29 111.6 5.31 15/10/13 100.54 109.08 8.54 15/11/13 93.86 107.79 13.93 15/12/13 97.63 110.76 13.13 15/01/14 94.62 108.12 13.5 15/02/14 100.82 108.9 8.08 15/03/14 100.8 107.48 6.68 15/04/14 102.07 107.76 5.69 15/05/14 102.18 109.54 7.36 15/06/14 105.79 111.8 6.01 15/07/14 103.59 106.77 3.18 15/08/14 96.54 101.61 5.07 15/09/14 93.21 97.09 3.88 15/10/14 84.4 87.43 3.03 15/11/14 75.79 79.44 3.65 15/12/14 59.29 62.34 3.05 15/01/15 47.22 47.76 0.54 15/02/15 50.58 58.1 7.52 15/03/15 47.82 55.89 8.07 15/04/15 54.45 59.52 5.07 15/05/15 59.27 64.08 4.81 15/06/15 59.82 61.48 1.66 15/07/15 50.9 56.56 5.66 15/08/15 42.87 46.52 3.65 15/09/15 45.48 47.62 2.14 15/10/15 46.22 48.43 2.21 15/11/15 42.44 44.27 1.83 15/12/15 37.19 38.01 0.82 15/01/16 31.68 30.7 -0.98 15/02/16 30.32 32.18 1.86 15/03/16 37.55 38.21 0.66 15/04/16 40.75 41.58 0.83 15/05/16 46.71 46.74 0.03 15/06/16 48.76 48.25 -0.51 15/07/16 44.65 44.95 0.3 15/08/16 44.72 45.84 1.12 15/09/16 45.18 46.57 1.39 15/10/16 49.78 49.52 -0.26 15/11/16 45.66 44.73 -0.93 15/12/16 51.97 53.31 1.34 15/01/17 52.5 54.58 2.08 15/02/17 53.47 54.87 1.4 15/03/17 49.33 51.59 2.26 15/04/17 51.06 52.31 1.25 15/05/17 48.48 50.33 1.85 15/06/17 45.18 46.37 1.19 15/07/17 46.63 48.48 1.85 15/08/17 48.04 51.7 3.66 15/09/17 49.82 56.15 6.33 15/10/17 51.58 57.51 5.93 15/11/17 56.64 62.71 6.07 15/12/17 57.88 64.37 6.49 15/01/18 63.7 69.08 5.38 15/02/18 62.23 65.32 3.09 15/03/18 62.73 66.02 3.29 15/04/18 66.25 72.11 5.86 15/05/18 69.98 76.98 7 15/06/18 67.87 74.41 6.54 15/07/18 70.98 74.25 3.27 15/08/18 68.06 72.53 4.47 15/09/18 70.23 78.89 8.66 15/10/18 70.75 81.03 10.28 15/11/18 56.96 64.75 7.79 15/12/18 49.52 57.36 7.84 15/01/19 51.38 59.41 8.03 15/02/19 54.95 63.96 9.01 15/03/19 58.15 66.14 7.99 15/04/19 63.86 71.23 7.37 15/05/19 60.83 71.32 10.49 15/06/19 54.66 64.22 9.56 15/07/19 57.35 63.92 6.57 15/08/19 54.81 59.04 4.23 15/09/19 56.95 62.83 5.88 15/10/19 53.96 59.71 5.75 15/11/19 57.03 63.21 6.18 15/12/19 59.88 67.31 7.43 15/01/20 57.52 63.65 6.13 15/02/20 50.54 55.66 5.12 15/03/20 29.21 32.01 2.8 15/04/20 16.55 18.38 1.83 15/05/20 28.56 29.38 0.82 15/06/20 38.31 40.27 1.96 15/07/20 40.71 43.24 2.53 15/08/20 42.34 44.74 2.4 15/09/20 39.63 40.91 1.28 15/10/20 39.4 40.19 0.79 15/11/20 40.94 42.69 1.75 15/12/20 47.02 49.99 2.97 15/01/21 52 54.77 2.77 15/02/21 59.04 62.28 3.24 15/03/21 62.33 65.41 3.08 15/04/21 61.72 64.81 3.09 15/05/21 65.17 68.53 3.36 15/06/21 71.38 73.16 1.78 15/07/21 72.49 75.17 2.68 15/08/21 67.73 70.75 3.02 15/09/21 71.65 74.49 2.84 15/10/21 81.48 83.54 2.06 15/11/21 79.15 81.05 1.9 15/12/21 71.71 74.17 2.46 15/01/22 83.22 86.51 3.29 15/02/22 91.64 97.13 5.49 15/03/22 108.5 117.25 8.75 15/04/22 101.78 104.58 2.8

Deutsch: Zum Aktualisieren des Diagramms kann man die oben aufgelisteten Daten um die jüngeren Daten ergänzen und dann mithilfe von Gnuplot relativ zügig eine aktuellere Diagrammversion erstellen. Dafür kopiert man am besten die Rohdaten im Editiermodus in ein Editorfenster und speichert als .txt-Datei. Diese .txt importiert man in ein Tabellenkalkulationsprogramm, fügt dort die fehlenden Daten ein und speichert wieder als .txt. In Excel muss dabei die erste Spalte im Datenformat ‚Zeichenkette‘ (String) importiert werden, da das Programm sie ansonsten automatisch in ein Datumsformat umwandelt, mit dem Gnuplot nicht zurecht kommt, ohne dass das noch durch zusätzlichen Code festgelegt werden muss.
Der Befehlscode kann ohne weiteres in die Zwischenablage kopiert und in das Kommandozeilen-Fenster von Gnuplot eingefügt werden. Die Datei wird erstellt, indem nach dem Einfügen die ENTER-Taste betätigt wird (es sei denn, unterhalb der eingefügten Sequenz befindet sich ein Prompt -- in diesem Fall wurde der Code bereits ausgeführt und die Datei ist bereits erstellt worden!). Damit alles funktioniert, muss die .txt-Datei, die die Rohdaten enthält, WTI_brent_spread.txt genannt werden und im gleichen Verzeichnis liegen wie die gnuplot.exe (d.h. im bin-Ordner des Gnuplot-Installationsverzeichnisses). Die Crude oil spread.svg wird im gleichen Verzeichnis abgelegt werden (und wenn nicht dort, dann im Benutzer-Ordner Dokumente).
English: In order to update the diagram file the data listed above should be supplemented by newer data, and then an updated version of the diagram file can be easily generated using Gnuplot. To achieve this the raw data should best be copied in editing mode and pasted into an editor window and saved as .txt file. This .txt may be imported into a calc software spreadsheet, supplemented therein by the newer data and then saved again as .txt. Note that in Excel the first column has to be imported in string format because otherwise Excel will turn it into a date format that cannot be handled by Gnuplot without extending the code given above.
The command code can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into Gnuplot’s command line shell window. The file is created by pressing ENTER after pasting (unless there appears a prompt after the pasted sequence -- in this case the code has already been run!). In order to make it work properly the .txt file containing the raw data (see above) has to be named WTI_brent_spread.txt and has to be located in the same directory as the gnuplot.exe (i.e. the bin folder of the Gnuplot install directory). The Crude oil spread.svg will be saved in the same directory (and if not it might have been saved to the user’s folder Documents).


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58 742 byte

300 pixel

825 pixel


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nuvarande31 maj 2022 kl. 03.22Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 31 maj 2022 kl. 03.22825 × 300 (57 kbyte)GretarssonUpdate
25 mars 2018 kl. 03.43Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 25 mars 2018 kl. 03.43825 × 300 (53 kbyte)Gretarsson‘smoothened’ area graph (“spread”) by superimposing a line graph of same color on it and decreased ticmark size by 50 %, both in order to make the diagram look more similar in style to its first version
6 mars 2018 kl. 18.27Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 6 mars 2018 kl. 18.27825 × 300 (48 kbyte)Gretarssonused decimal period in the datafile instead of comma -> more precise curves (sorry for such a beginner's mistake); some minor cosmetic changes
5 mars 2018 kl. 21.37Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 5 mars 2018 kl. 21.37825 × 300 (51 kbyte)Gretarssonupdate (end date Jan 2018)
6 augusti 2016 kl. 21.43Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 6 augusti 2016 kl. 21.43800 × 300 (45 kbyte)StefanInaktivUser created page with UploadWizard

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