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Fil:Canna indica.jpg

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Originalfil (1 067 × 1 600 pixlar, filstorlek: 340 kbyte, MIME-typ: image/jpeg)

English: Canna indica flower ad seeds.
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Skapare Muhammad Mahdi Karim
(Återanvändning av denna fil)

In using this image or any subsequent derivatives of it, you are required to release the image under the same license. As such, any reproduction of this image, in any medium, must appear with a copy of the license.
Attribution of this image to the author (Muhammad Mahdi Karim) is required in a prominent location near to the image.
No other conditions may be added to, or removed from this license without the permission of the author and copyright holder.
Jag, upphovsrättsinnehavaren av detta verk, publicerar härmed det under följande licens:
GNU head Tillstånd ges att kopiera, distribuera och/eller modifiera detta dokument under villkoren i GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 endast som publicerad av Free Software Foundation, utan oföränderliga avsnitt, framsidestexter eller baksidestexter. En kopia av licensen ingår i avsnittet GNU Free Documentation License. 1.2 endast

Taken by Muhammad Mahdi Karim

If you use my picture please let me know on my talk page. For any other concerns, such as need for a higher resolution version of the image, or a commercial license, contact me through my talk page or e-mail me. More images can be found in my gallery.


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348 223 byte

1 600 pixel

1 067 pixel

0,0166666666666667 sekund

150 millimeter


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nuvarande10 juli 2009 kl. 21.45Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 10 juli 2009 kl. 21.451 067 × 1 600 (340 kbyte)Muhammad Mahdi Karim{{Information |Description={{en|w:Canna indica flower ad seeds. }} |Source=self-made |Date=June 2009 |Author={{User:Muhammad Mahdi Karim/Author}} |Permission={{User:Muhammad Mahdi Karim/1.2}} |other_versions= }} [[Category:Taken with Sigma 150mm Macr

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