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Fil:Bar-Tailed Godwit on Tundra.jpg

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Originalfil (4 037 × 2 694 pixlar, filstorlek: 6,64 Mbyte, MIME-typ: image/jpeg)


English: Bar-Tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) on Tundra

Description: Bar-tailed Godwits are large wading birds at about 37 to 45 cm. The Bar-tailed Godwit is a mottled brown in the upper body and a lighter buff below. It has a white underwing, and a long, slightly upturned bill. As the name suggests, the white tail is barred with brown. This is the non-breeding plumage of the Bar-tailed Godwit and is the main phase seen in Australia. The breeding plumage is darker and more rufous, with females duller than males. Young birds resemble non-breeding birds.

For more information about this species visit http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/Infocenter/i2500id.html

Location: Alaska

Item IDWV-3465-CD36 Source: NCTC Image Library

Original Format: 35 mm slide Date created: 2005-12-20

Date modified: 2009-02-06
This image originates from the National Digital Library of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
at this page

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See Category:Images from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

Skapare Maslowski, Steve - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Public domain
Denna bild eller inspelning är ett verk av en anställd hos U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, som togs eller är en del av personens officiella arbetsuppgifter. Som ett verk av USA:s federala regering är bilden allmän egendom i USA. För mer information, se upphovsrättspolicy för Fish and Wildlife Service.

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United States Fish and Wildlife Service
United States Fish and Wildlife Service


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nuvarande17 december 2019 kl. 17.34Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 17 december 2019 kl. 17.344 037 × 2 694 (6,64 Mbyte)ArchaeodontosaurusCorrections
29 augusti 2010 kl. 23.35Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 29 augusti 2010 kl. 23.354 037 × 2 694 (3,72 Mbyte)ZeWrestler{{Information |Description={{en|1===Summary== Title: Bar-Tailed Godwit on Tundra Alternative Title: Limosa lapponica Contact: mailto:nctcimages@fws.gov Creator: Maslowski, Steve Description: Bar-tailed Godwits are large wading birds at about 37 to

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