English: Babiana latifolia, photographed by Nick Helme, on 5 September 2017, at Erfdeel, northeastern rim of the Piketberg, Western Cape province of South Africa
According to the photographed this is a critically endangered species known only from within 5 km of this locality at the eastern base of the Piketberg; in clay soils; scattered remnant populations in Renosterveld on this farm; this particular site threatened by proposed dam expansion, but portion should be safe about 100m to the southeast on rocky koppie; estimate about 100 plants in 4 discrete patches; well drained, rocky clays. Initially thought to be B tubaeformis, but identification revised based on on comparison of material with herbarium specimens (John Manning); we also believe that this sp is probably conspecific with B tubaeformis. Tube length 30 mm, right in the range between these 2 species.
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