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Fil:Ahmed Ben Bella aux USA, oct.1962 (cropped).jpg

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Originalfil (674 × 834 pixlar, filstorlek: 45 kbyte, MIME-typ: image/jpeg)

Français : En Octobre 1962, le Président du Conseil algérien, Ahmed Ben Bella est reçu à la Maison Blanche par le Président américain John Kennedy.
Källa http://algerie.eklablog.fr/ahmed-ben-bella-aux-usa-a52789035
Skapare aziz3d
(Återanvändning av denna fil)
Public domain This Algerian photograph or work of applied art, which was published prior to 1975, is currently in the public domain in Algeria because its 50-year term of protection has expired pursuant to the provisions of Article 59 of Ordinance No. 03-05 of 19 July 2003, which was approved by Law No. 03-17 of 4 November 2003 (details).

In order to be hosted on Commons, all works must be in the public domain in the United States as well as in their source country. The copyright of all Algerian photographs and works of applied art published prior to 1948 had expired in Algeria on the date of restoration (April 19, 1998) pursuant to the provisions of Article 60 of the defunct Ordinance No. 97-10 of 6 March 1997 which was in effect at the time. Such works are thus currently in the public domain in the United States.

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: Ahmed Ben Bella aux USA, oct.1962.jpg
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46 144 byte

834 pixel

674 pixel


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nuvarande29 mars 2023 kl. 16.07Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 29 mars 2023 kl. 16.07674 × 834 (45 kbyte)Riad Salihbetter quality
29 mars 2023 kl. 14.11Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 29 mars 2023 kl. 14.11216 × 267 (13 kbyte)Riad SalihFile:Ahmed Ben Bella aux USA, oct.1962.jpg cropped 57 % horizontally, 47 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

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