English: County-by-county results of the Republican Party Presidential Primaries 2008 (states will have all counties in the color of the winner until there is more precise information available)
Deutsch: Ergebnisse der Republicans bei den Vorwahlen zur Präsidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten 2008 auf County-Ebene (die Counties eines Bundesstaates werden solange alle mit der Farbe des Gewinners eingefärbt bis genauere Informationen verfügbar sind)
Results of the Democratic Presidential Primaries 2008, state level
Results of the Republican Presidential Primaries 2008, state level
Results of the Democratic Presidential Primaries 2008, county level
Results of the Democratic Presidential Primaries 2008, state level
Results of the Republican Presidential Primaries 2008, state level
Results of the Republican Presidential Primaries 2008, state level
Results of the Republican Presidential Primaries 2008, county level
Results of the Republican Presidential Primaries 2008, county level (showing explicitly the counties from where information is unavailable)
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2008-02-07 04:56 Masebrock 1513×983×8 (191905 bytes) == Summary == made from [[:Image:Map of USA with county outlines.png]] states of winners will have all counties in their color until i find more information {{svg|diagram}} == Licensing == {{self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0}}
2008-02-07 04:08 Eluchil404 1513×983×8 (191759 bytes) Add more states. Grey counties in Oklahoma and Montana are exact ties.
2008-02-07 01:37 Bob A Mickelson 1513×983×8 (189248 bytes) MN - two gray counties(Clearwater & Koochiching) not reporting yet)
2008-02-06 22:10 Ryright 1513×983×8 (188668 bytes) Same as below.
2008-02-06 19:28 Ryright 1513×983×8 (188066 bytes) I pretty much took the image that was up before and added a few more states' worth of results. Self-explanatory.
2008-02-06 09:10 Bob A Mickelson 1513×983×8 (185903 bytes) Grey counties in CO and WY didnt have any voters. County results shown at CNN.com