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Adamsia carciniopados

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(Omdirigerad från Actinia palliata)
Adamsia carciniopados
ArtAdamsia carciniopados
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Adamsia carciniopados
Auktor(Bohadsch, 1761)
Adamsia carciniopados (Otto)[1]
Adamsia palliata Boh.[2]
Adamsia palliata (Bohadsch)[3]
Adamsia palliata Bohadsch[4]
Actinia palliata [5]
Adamsia palliata (Bohadsch.)[6]
Adamsia palliata (Boh.)[7]
Adamsia maculata Johnst.[8]
Adamsia palliata Adams[9]
Actinia maculata [10]
Adamsia palliata [11]
Adamsia palliata J. Adams[12]
Actinia maculata Brug.[13]
Actinia carciniopados Otto.[14]
Actinia carciniopados Otto, delle Chiaie[15]
Actinia carciniopodos Otto[16]
Actinia carciniopados Otto[17]
Actinia maculata [18]
Actinia maculata [19]
Actinia maculata [20]
Adamsia carciniopados (Otto, 1823)[21]
Actinia carciniopados Otto, 1823[22]
Actinia maculata Adams, 1800[23]
Adamsia palliata Bohadsch, 1761[24]
Adamsia palliata (Boahadsch, 1761)[25]
Adamsia palliata (Bohadsch 1761)[26]
Adamsia palliata (J. B. Bohadsch, 1761)[27]
Adamsia palliata (Bohadsch, 1761)[28]
Medusa palliata Bohadsch, 1761[29]
Medusa palliata [30]
Hitta fler artiklar om djur med

Adamsia carciniopados[29] är en havsanemonart som först beskrevs av Johann Baptist Bohadsch 1761. Adamsia carciniopados ingår i släktet Adamsia och familjen Hormathiidae.[31][32] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[31]

  1. ^ Manuel R. L. (1981) British Anthozoa Keys and Notes for the Identification of the Species, Academic Press, London, New York, Toronto, Sydney, San Francisco
  2. ^ Stephenson T. A. (1918) VII. On certain Actiniaria collected off Ireland by the Irish Fisheries Department, during the years of 1899-1913, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
  3. ^ Fischer P. (1889) Nouvelle Contribution à l'Actinologie Française. Première Partie., Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux
  4. ^ Fischer P. (1874) Recherches sur les Actinies des cotes océaniques de France, Nouvelles Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris
  5. ^ Heller C. (1868) Die Zoophyten und Echinodermen des Adriatischen Meeres, Druck von Carl Ueberreuter (M. Salzer), Wien
  6. ^ Wright P. E. (1859) Notes on the Irish Actinidæ, etc., with especial reference to their distribution., Natural History Review, and Quarterly Journal of Science
  7. ^ Gosse P. H. (1858) Synopsis of the families, genera, and species of the British *Actiniae*, Annals and Magazine of Natural History
  8. ^ Thompson W. (1856) Zoophyta, in: The Natural History of Ireland. publish. Henry G. Bohn, London,
  9. ^ Cocks W. P. (1851) Actiniæ (or Sea-Anemones), procured in Falmouth and its neighbourhood, by W. P. Cocks, Esq., from 1843-1849, Annual Report Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
  10. ^ Dalyell J. G. (1848) Rare and Remarkable Animals of Scotland, John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row, London
  11. ^ Johnston G. (1847) A History of the British Zoophytes (74 plates), Ed. 2, John Van Voorst, London
  12. ^ Johnston G. (1847) A History of the British Zoophytes, Ed. 2, John Van Voorst, London
  13. ^ Contarini C. N. (1845) Trattato delle attinie, ed osservazioni sopra alcune di esse viventi nei contorni di Venezia, Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali
  14. ^ Delle Chiaje S. (1841) Descrizione e notomia degli animali invertebrati della Sicilia Citeriore Osservati Vivi Negli Anni 1822-1830, C. Batelli e Comp., Napoli
  15. ^ Grube A. E. (1840) Actinien, Echinodermen und Würmer des Adriatischen und Mittelmeers [nach eigenen Sammlungen beschrieben von Dr. Adolph Eduard Grube], J. H. Bon, Königsberg
  16. ^ de Blainville H. M. D. (1834) Manuel d'Actinologie ou de Zoophytologie, F.G. Levrault, Paris, Strasbourg
  17. ^ Rapp W. (1829) Ueber die Polypen im Allgemeinen und die Actinien, Grolsherzogl. Säch, Weimar
  18. ^ Pennant T. (1812) British Zoology, Ed. 1st, London
  19. ^ Bosc L. A. G. (1802) Histoire Naturelle des Vers, Chez Deterville, Paris
  20. ^ Bruguiere (1789) Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle des Vers, Libraire Panckouke, Paris
  21. ^ Chintiroglou C. C., Doumenc D. A., and Zamponi M. O. (1997) Commented list of the Mediterranean Actiniaria and Corallimorpharia (Anthozoa), Acta Adriatica
  22. ^ Otto A. W. (1823) Beschreibung einiger neuen Mollusken und Zoophyten, Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Coralinae Naturae Curiosorum
  23. ^ Adams J. (1800) Descriptions of some marine animals found on the coast of Wales, Transactions of the Linnean Society (London)
  24. ^ Stephenson T. A. (1920) On the classification of Actiniaria. Part I. -- Forms with acontia and forms with a mesogloeal sphincter, Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science
  25. ^ Doumenc D. A., Chintiroglou C. C., and Koukouras A. (1985) Actinies de la mer Égée: méthodes d'identification, zoogéographie, Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
  26. ^ Schmidt H. (1972) Prodromus zu einer Monographie der mediterranean Aktinien, Zoologica
  27. ^ Pax F. (1952) Die Antipatharien, Zoantharien und Actiniarien der „Hvar"-Expedition, Izvjesca-Reports
  28. ^ Carlgren O. (1949) A survey of the Ptychodactiaria, Corallimorpharia and Actiniaria, Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar
  29. ^ [a b] Bohadsch J. B. (1761) De Quibusdam Animalibus Marinis, Georg.Conrad. Walther., Dresdæ
  30. ^ Fabricius J. C. (1779) Reise nach Norwegen mit Bemerkungen aus der Naturhistorie und Oekonomie, Carl Ernst Bohn, Hamburg
  31. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (3 mars 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/adamsia+carciniopados/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  32. ^ Hexacorals: Hexacorallians of the World. Fautin D.G., 2001-07-12