English: This is a 7 segment panorama taken by myself with a Canon 5D and 24-105mm f/4L lens, looking south on Regent Street at Oxford Circus. It has an approximately 180 degree angle of view.
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https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5CC BY 2.5 Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 truetrue
This is a 7 segment panorama taken by myself with a Canon 5D and 24-105mm f/4L lens, looking south on Regent Street at Oxford Circus. It has an approximately 180 degree angle of view.
Den här filen innehåller extrainformation som troligen lades till av en digitalkamera eller skanner när filen skapades. Om filen har modifierats kan det hända att vissa detaljer inte överensstämmer med den modifierade filen.