Skater Vivi-Anne Weds on Third Attempt, in Brookline. After three thwarted attempts to get married between conflicting skating engagements, Miss Vivi-Anne Hulten, 27, and Gene Theslof, 27, both of Hollywood, last night said "I do" before Rev. William L. MacDuffie in the First Presbyterian Church on Harvard street, Brookline. The bride is the only woman who defeated Sonja Henie, having won over her in a free skating Olympic contest at Lake Placid, New York. She has been women's skating champion of Sweden since 1927. Vivi-Anne recently was producer and director of the Ice Carnival at the Boston Skating Club in Brighton. Theslof was formerly Sonja Henie's skating partner, Their romance, which started in Sweden and progressed on the professional rinks all over the United States, has survived the bitter disappointments. In Seattle more than a year ago the couple were in an automobile accident just before their planned were inbout to call on a minister wedding. Later, in Chicago, they when the found it was Friday the 13th in Portland, Oregon, they arrived at the marriage bureau just five minutes too late. They had known each other as children in Sweden, became separated in pursuing their skating careers, and met again in San Diego. And yesterday it looked for a while as though there was going to be a fourth postponement - Vivi-Anne's plane was two-hours late at the Commonwealth Airport. At the ceremony last night Miss Anne Taylor, Theslof's skating partner, was bridesmaid and the best man gave his name as Harold Smith of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Gene Morgan, another Hollywood skater featured in a local ice show, completed the party.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Theslof following their wedding last night in the First Presbyterian Church, Brookline. The bride is the former Vivi-Anne Hulsten.
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